
A New Day…

For a few days now, I’ve been thinking about today, the September 11th anniversary. While I want to honor it in some way, I feel a lot like Nicole, and her recent post could have almost been written by me. I want to celebrate my freedom. I want to remember those who died on that tragic day. I want to be thankful for my life and for my loved ones. For me, the best way to do that is to go forward with the 9/11 Photoblog project, as I had planned to before. I have thought about this for some time, and for me … it’s right.

I completely respect and understand the decisions of others though that choose to memorialize today differently. It has affected each of us in such a different manner, so that makes sense. I do not want to trivialize today in any manner, and my view isn’t one of “get over it” but rather one of “I won’t let them win”. Yes, I know – it’s a really touchy subject.

Nicole pointed out something that I felt was another good thing. I can’t find an original source, and for all I know it could be a “hoax” – but is a hoax bad if it does some good?

On Sept. 11th, join a “poetical happening” and free a book!

Because a book is a symbol of freedom, sharing and tolerance…

On Sept. 11th, 2003, take a book which is important for you, a book that has changed your vision on the world, write in it a dedication, a few words, or a drawing, and free it!

Leave it on a roadside bench, a bus stop or in a cafe making it available for any unknown reader. In this way, Sept. 11th will be not only an anniversary of tragedy. Together, let us affect this global sorrow with creative and generous action.

A general mobilization from Bruxelles, Paris, Florence, San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, New York, Seattle, Whidbey Island and more. Almost all over the world, readers, artists, writers, poets, and publishers of vision and heart will free books that are important for them on Thursday, Sept. 11th, 2003.

Get involved and tell your friends. Readers, authors, publishers – free a book, because a book is a symbol of freedom, sharing and tolerance.

I’ll post them on my Book Crossing Bookshelf when I release them.

What book(s) would you free? I’m considering finding a copy of “1984” and “Fahrenheit 451”. Maybe I’ll add “Animal Farm” to the mix. What would you release? What books have moved you and changed your life?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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I know that there’s a project similar to that floating around somewhere. I can’t remember the name or the address of the site, but I’ve seen something similar. So maybe it’s a branchoff from that.


I read it my senior year of high school when I was in the middle of a major depression (just starting on meds at the time, wasn’t very stable yet) and was terrified of the huge change that was coming at the end of the year. The idea of everyone having entrances and exits, and that when we leave one stage we enter another, that really helped me make it through the year. That and the teacher. She was awesome.

To Kill A Mockingbird.

What a great way to learn about the human spirit, parental love and love for your fellow man.

It helped me choose my major in college (English) and it gave me the name of my cat … Atticus!

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A New Day…

I am so thankful for everyone’s support and kind words. I feel very enveloped in love right now, and that really helps. I am doing ok, although I am exhausted right now. I was a little stunned when I talked to my mom this morning – I didn’t realize last night that they aren’t quite sure exactly when he died. It may have been 2 or 3 days ago. I don’t think it could have been that long though – I would think the women at the nursing home would have noticed that he hadn’t been there to visit – he was normally there every other day at least. I am surprised that no one noticed that he wasn’t at church on Sunday. It’s such a small town, normally everything is noticed. I am however grateful that (from what I know so far) he didn’t suffer. It is almost harder in some ways to watch my grandmother deteriorate. He was just making plans a week or so ago to travel down to South Dakota this fall to visit family.

I came to work today – it has been better for me to have something to focus on. Keeps me from thinking too much right now. I know there will be rough times at moments ahead – thank you to *everyone* for your support.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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