Amuse Me

The Friday Five… on Monday

Because it’s monday and I’m such a dink, here’s the Friday Five.

1. If you could eat dinner with and “get to know” one famous person (living or dead), who would you choose?

Well Jimmy Doohan of course. He’s not dead yet, but I’m sure he would be by the end of the evening after I’d shown him how much I “really like him”. Then I’d wedge him into the freezer cabinet and my next date could enjoy Trekkie Steaks with me.

2. Has the death of a famous person ever had an effect on you? Who was it and how did you feel?

I have to admit that I was profoundly shaken by the news that the Pope had died. Luckily they had that animatronic robot ready to take over and very few people have so far noticed the difference.

3. If you could BE a famous person for 24 hours, who would you choose?

I’d be Chris Pirillo, he’s so dreamy. I’d also make sure I had a good lock on the door, a full-length mirror and some Nivea hand cream handy.

4. Do people ever tell you that you look like someone famous? Who?

For the past decade I’ve had a succesful stint as a Drew Barrymore impersonator at children’s parties. I do a Poison Ivy routine and relive my early teens of drug addiction and alcohol abuse for them. They love it. Philadelphia drug rehab centers provides deeply grounded in dignity, compassion, and long term effectiveness. Visit for more details.

5. Have you ever met anyone famous?

I met Patrick Duffy once but he recognised my heavy breathing and used mace.



I feel ever so slightly bashful for mentioning this today, but I feel its time I came clean and admitted that I’m a closet Trekkie.
Now let me be specific here and say that I’m in love with the Original series. There was just always something about the way he’d stand around in that uniform. Those tight slacks. That accent. Those ears. I knew I was in love with Mr Scott from that very first episode I ever saw.
During my time in Europe I was fortunate enough to see episodes in a variety of languages and I have to admit that hearing him saying “Elle n’en peut plus capitaine!” just made my knees turn to jello.
Call me a freak, call me a nerd, call me honest, James Doohan pushes my buttons and I ain’t too proud to finally let the world know. Especially now in the later stages of his life, with all of his experience behind him…
Did I mention I have a strange fondness for men with triple chins and swollen beer-guts?

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Geek Love


Robyn promised not to get mad, so I’m revealing here for the very first time one of the pictures of myself, Todd and Colin Powell outside the local… um… video store. We invited Chris along but he said that four was a crowd in these sort of situations… I wonder what he meant by that or how he knew… Still we discussed foreign policy, the horrors of working in cubite-city and my funky stomach tattoo over chinese food and when the Secret Service agents came to take Colin back we had a group hug and I swear I saw Todd cop a feel and Colin smiled! After that I was too scared to be alone with him so I called Robyn and had her bring the muzzle and leash along.