As you can see (well, if you’re not reading this via RSS, I guess), Mike upgraded my WP install last night to the brand new fancy fresh WP 2.0. So far, so good! Even though it only took him a few minutes to do the upgrade, I had reached my maximum online time already and could tell that any more typing was not a wise idea, so he hooked me up!
As an added bonus, comments are now going live right away! Yeah! I had one or two waiting for moderation, but not 100 (or 1000, or 2000) like I have sometimes in the past. I never could find what was causing the problem with my anti-spam list in my previous WP install. I’m sure there was a blank space in there somewhere, but I couldn’t see it. I’m just happy that it is behaving now! I had Mike set up Akismet for me also – have to contribute to the greater good of hunting down spam! I’m always hesitant to use services that will affect my site if they go down though – what happens if Akismet goes down?
I decided to go with the default template for the moment until I iron some kinks out with my old one. The Pink Paris template is too narrow for my photographs – I need a main column at least 520 pixels wide – so for now, default it is. I’m sure I’ll be tweaking it more over the next week before I go back to school.
Only complaint so far? I’m used to hitting “Enter” twice between paragraphs when writing a post. When I do that in WP 2.0, it translates to something like 3-4 returns instead of just two. Nice of them to make it double space for me, but it is going to take some getting used to using!
Let me know if you see anything wonky going on – especially if you use the RSS feed. I still need to check that out myself. This is so exciting – I have to admit, I think I was still on WP 1.2! I feel so cutting edge now! (Want to learn more about WordPress 2.0? Newsforge has a great article. Thanks to Matt for the link.)
6 replies on “Fancy Fresh!”
Did you know this is your 999th BlahBlahBabble post? You might have to do something about that 😉
ROFL! I guess I really need to stop babbling, huh?
Wait, how could you tell it was my 999th? I don’t see that… Hmmm…
Oh! In the sidebar! I see it now!
I wish my husand could upgrade mine for me. I’m completely lost as to how to do it, and he doesn’t even know what wordpress is. haha I only got WP installed in the first place using Fantastico.
I love your excitement on this install! I hope it works for you.
ok? why do u guts…i mean guys..i mean girls talk so much