
Feedback Wanted…

If you have a chance, can you give me feedback on the Pixelog? I want to make sure that the navigation is intuitive, that you can tell where to go to see all of the albums (ok, there are only 2 there right now, but there will be more soon!) and that you can see where to change the background from white to black and back to white again (yes, I could play with that for hours…) Basically, if you have any usability feedback, it would be really helpful. Jennifer and I kept it under pretty tight wrap before it launched, and basically only 4 people other then us saw it before last night. So … let me know. Thanks!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

21 replies on “Feedback Wanted…”

It’s wonderful, Christine. I absolutely LOVE it. And as far as navigation goes, I have no problem at all finding everything. I think it’s all very obvious and easy to use. No problems whatsoever.

(Pssssst Jennifer – wanna do me one next?) LOL 🙂

very nice! now, make sure to let me know when you start putting up all of your nude pics…

oh BTW, am I the only person seeing a dark dark background w/ black text on here? my eyes hurt!

NO NUDES!!! There will be no nudes in the Pixelog. I know, I know … I hate to disappoint you like that, but … I have to. No nudes. People at work read this stuff, ya know? And that just wouldn’t be right. Plus I don’t have anyone to take nude photos of me, remember? Yeah.

I think it looks great. The navigation on the top is all very intuative, the thumbnails are perfect, and the skins are great. I spent a lot of time clicking between black and white too 😉
I understand the > in context of MT and date, but I can see how it is confusing because you aren’t going >> this way >> to the picture next in the row on the top. Does that make sense?
I really like how your words about the picture and the comments are to the side of the picture – it really frames it all nicely.
I think you guys should go into business creating photolog templates to work with weblog software. This is really excellent, and I really love how it turned out 🙂

I’ve been having second thoughts about the comments on the page… I almost feel like your words and the comments on the photos should somehow be separated (with a pop up)… I could be over-analyzing. If you agree and want to, I can make the comments into a pop up (which would match the current “skin”) – let me know 🙂

I think it’s fantastic! My only thing – when I clicked on “write” I was expecting a… writting section of some sort, not email – that may well just be me, though. Great job!

I’m collecting B-Days so stop on by and leave yours (if I haven’t already got it) if you have a chance!


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