The worst part about not blogging as often as I used to is that sometimes I think about something I want to post about – but by the time I have a chance to focus and write, I forget what I was going to say. That doesn’t mean the topic was trivial – not at all. It means that somewhere along the way I was sidetracked and just didn’t write about it.
Monday night, Elaine informed me that I have been nominated for a 2004 Bloggie! Tuesday morning when I checked my e-mail, there was the official notification, along with an e-mail from Jenn, pointing out that I was nominated in the “Best Programming of a Blog” category – up against ScriptyGoddess! I really don’t feel worthy in Scripty’s company, especially since most of the tweaks on my site are either things found on Scripty or code that Jenn wrote and implemented for me! (With the exception of my recent commenter code that Ste wrote for me.) There are a lot of things that I have done myself, but still – you have to admit that it’s ironic. I am thrilled and honored to be nominated though – what a treat! Wheee! Thank you, thank you to everyone that nominated me!
11 replies on “Feeling the Love…”
Sweet!! Congratulations!
Hey sweet cookie lady,
I am getting an error on your page:
Line: 963
Char: 6
Error: ‘’ is null or not an object.
Speaking of which, I don’t suppose you could mail me a copy of that script again. I forgot to back it up when I was moving files from my Windows computer to my new Mac a few months ago, and I’d like to revise it and post it for other people to use. 😉 Congratulations on the nomination, btw – that’s pretty exciting. 😉
congrats, Christine!!!
Congrats. Cookies for everyone!
Practice your princess wave! 😀 That’s cool.
Congratulations on your Bloggie nod! What a year!
congrats big pink cookie lady! (^_^)
I demand a recount!!! Oh, wait, it’s not over yet. 😉 Hehehe… I’m glad you’re in there!
Congratulations! You’re worthy…don’t ever doubt it.
I just voted for you!