I have a lot of old floppy disks at home, and I’m sure if I checked with Mike he probably has even more. I seriously feel the need to make a Floppy Disk Bag now. How cool is that? (via Boing Boing.)
I have a lot of old floppy disks at home, and I’m sure if I checked with Mike he probably has even more. I seriously feel the need to make a Floppy Disk Bag now. How cool is that? (via Boing Boing.)
7 replies on “Floppy Disk Bag…”
that bag is cool! i just took my 3.5 yr old to a fimo clay class and the instructor had attached the metal part of a floppy to a small tube of clay to make a non-sharp, kid-friendly clay cutter… (hmmm…could also be used to help cut cookie dough…yum!)
Ha! Now I know what to do with all my floppy discs! I have some way cool colored ones…I could even color coordinate different ones so that they could match what I am wearing!
Thanks for the laugh!
Thanks for the link – that’s very cool!
That’s just way too cool!
Um, what if you’re still using your floppy disks? It could happen.
Um, what if you’re still using your floppy disks? It could happen.
Happy Birthday, Christine!