
Google Giggles!

WTF??? How do I post about something one day and get indexed in Google and hits on it the VERY NEXT DAY??? I just don’t get it! But here are my latest amusing searches that have brought people to my site:

30 Sep, Sun, 11:04:33 Google: PICTURE OF FIREFIGHTERS PUTTING FLAG UP AT WTC – I think I wrote about that being a very moving photo, but I didn’t post a copy here. Sorry. It’s out there on all the news sites though
30 Sep, Sun, 11:18:06 Google: “world trade center” pictures near legs – I certainly hope that is meant in the boolean search manner of things, the “near legs” part, but what do legs have to do with the WTC?
30 Sep, Sun, 12:14:36 Google: zoolander twin towers – Yep, I think they should have left them in the movie.
30 Sep, Sun, 12:19:52 Google: blah blah – The requisite “blah” search.
30 Sep, Sun, 12:36:47 Google: zoolander new york skyline picture – Don’t have a copy of that. Sorry.
30 Sep, Sun, 13:22:42 Google: zoolander twin towers – Again?
30 Sep, Sun, 13:28:48 Google: blah – Again.
30 Sep, Sun, 13:34:27 Google: +pin +ribbon + wtc
30 Sep, Sun, 15:36:04 Google: wtc ribbon pin
30 Sep, Sun, 16:58:40 Google: As the soot and dirt and ash rained down, We became one color – I love that poem.
30 Sep, Sun, 17:01:18 Yahoo: jump dead man photo WTC – I think there would be something very wrong if I posted a picture of that here.
30 Sep, Sun, 18:16:10 Google: As the soot and dirt and ash rained down – Does anyone know who wrote that poem? I would like to give them credit.
30 Sep, Sun, 18:21:04 Yahoo: taliban opium colin powell million – Yep, we gave them millions to agree not to grow opium. $43 million. Smart move, huh?
30 Sep, Sun, 20:07:43 Google: greymatter pregnant pictures – I only have one pregnant photo, and trust me, you DO NOT want to see it. Then again, I might have burned it!
30 Sep, Sun, 20:53:05 Yahoo: angel in smoke wtc attack – Is that the drawing that was supposedly done by a student? Hmmm… not sure. Not here though, sorry.
30 Sep, Sun, 21:12:47 Yahoo: reese witherspoon snl – Uhm, HELLO??? Less than 24 hours after I posted about it I was hit by Yahoo on a search for it? That has me STUNNED.
30 Sep, Sun, 21:52:28 Google: “saturday night live” “mayor giuliani” “paul simon” – Wow. Another one!
30 Sep, Sun, 23:32:33 Google: “face in the smoke” WTC photo – Posted a link to it, you can search my archives for it. Not sure which day it was on.

At least there weren’t any toe queries, although there was one for legs. Close, but not the same as the “long toes pictures” searches that I am so used to seeing.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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Google Giggles

Latest Google Giggle searches (you know, the ones that amuse me) that have brought people here…
– women with long toes – my toes are not long, they are cute.
– easy to read spanish short story – Que? Yo no hablo espanol.
– jessica andrews cute feet – ok, that’s just freaky…
– Christine PREGNANT – I like the emphasis on pregnant, but *no* I am not. Must have sex to make babies…
– bush cows listener – yep, that’s our Duhhhbya, down here in Texas, with the cows talking to him.
And of course 6 out of the latest 20 were searches for the word “blah”.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Google Giggles”

Hmmm… I don’t know. I didn’t register with them, I was just spidered. I can see what searches people use through my Extreme tracker. Do you have access to your log files? Can you see how people reached your site?

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