
Home Again!

We made it up to Conroe by 9am Saturday morning for Puff-Up, and while it was overcast it never rained on us. Yeah! It had rained Friday night up there, so some of the people who had camped then were a little damp still. 🙂 It was a little muddy in spots, but not too bad. Our theme for this year was “The Beatitudes” and they did a pretty good job with it. We ended the day with Mass, which is always so neat to do outdoors. I just like how it feels. By then the clouds had moved out and we had blue skies and puffy pretty clouds. After Mass we went back to camp, set up the tent, ate dinner with one of the other Dens – nothing as tasty as hot dogs & hamburgers cooked outside with a big group! We have been doing things with scouts since Jason was in 1st grade (he is in 4th now) so it’s almost like getting together with family every week. That may sound strange, but really it isn’t. We had enough people for 2 campsites, but instead of being spread out across the road from each other we squished into one site. We had an inner circle and outer circle of tents. Nice & cozy. After dinner we did banana boats – where you hollow out part of a banana and stuff it with marshmallows, chocolate chips, apples, nuts, and other stuff, then wrap it up with tin foil and put it over the coals. The boys loved making those and S’mores. This was the first year that there wasn’t a burn ban – so we got to have a camp fire! At dark we had we retired the colors (our Cub Master, had built a flag pole set up for us that was really cool) After that we went for a night time hike out to the open fields – we got to see constellations, satellites, the space station, and Mars. Then we went back to the campfire, told ghost stories, the boys did skits, and we visited. 10pm, lights out – but I don’t know that I slept too much. I felt pretty well rested though this morning, so I guess I got some. We had everything packed & loaded by 9:30am or so, but stayed until 11:30 so we could just enjoy the gorgeous weather today! All in all we had a great time!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “Home Again!”

Our pack is very “family” oriented, and so there were moms, dads, and siblings there in addition to the Scouts. We had 3 moms who were camping with their sons, a few dads camping with their sons, some moms that came up for the day but left with their tiny kids (2 year olds) while the dads stayed & camped, and then whole families there. So we had a pretty good mix of everything! We have both male & female leaders in our Pack too. I love our Pack, very well rounded and a great group of people!

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