BlahBlahBabble Know the Code


I took some time this evening to go through the other pages on this site and clean up PHP calls that weren’t working correctly. Now all of the pages should be working with the skins. Yeah! I also worked on cleaning up the sidebars on most of the skins, although I have a few left to work on. The main thing that I added was a Media Consumption Blog so that I can easily update the sidebars with information on movies I have seen, books that I have read and so forth. The posts contain very little if any information right now, but as time goes on I will add little mini-reviews when I post new items. Many thanks to Kristine for helping me out with the code to generate the sidebar lists!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Housekeeping…”

would ‘different’ be too much a hassle? i’m thinking, maybe if you had the same skin layout but different (reversed) colors and different header text/graphic?

that would probably be really complicated. have the skin cookies do different but similar things at on the different pages.

i often think up complicated things like this to do and then decide to just do the easy thing. *sigh*

No, it won’t be that hard. I think that needs it’s own unique (non-skinned) design. That way you’ll know where you are when you go there! I didn’t set it up initially to be a very functional blog – it was just a way to make the lists easier to maintain – but once I did it, I thought I should turn it in to a “review” spot too.

Then again, I might just make all of the titles be links to the review sites and leave it at that! Who wants to hear me babble about books & movies anyways?

I’ve never found detailed, archived, review sites helpful. Usually I just want to know what someone is currently reading and watching and what they think of it because I’m wanting to know more about them. I think your lists give me all that nice and quick.

P.S. Which skin are you recommending atm? Or do you have that on the list-bar somewhere? I’ve tried a couple and keep going back to the one from Valentine’s, back when I first found your blog.

My personal preference is skin #1 – the dark gray one with the photos from my Pixelog along the top. However, I actually skinned the site originally so that my redesign whims wouldn’t bother anyone visiting the site – and the Heart skin is one of my favorites! That skin was actually designed though with the plan to eventually replace the small hearts with the last 5 images from the Pixelog – but I liked the hearts so much I never did it!

Oh, and I’m always happy to help, darling! 🙂 I love being knowledgeable mainly so that I can share it with my friends!!! 🙂

And I’ve had the dark skin on since you made it because I love keeping up on your pixelog updates… and the colors really are nice here; dark but very readable 🙂 But my second fav is the heart one 🙂

Maybe a version of the Pixelog skin done in white instead of gray? Hmmmm… I have some skins to add and I am thinking of removing one or two also, so I’ll put this in the works at the same time – althought it might be a week or two!

Sending as much digital encouragement as possible for this endeavor. It’s in the form of a rather hilariously happy, expectant dance. Picture it in your mind as often as necessary. 🙂

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I have this bad tendency to save shortcuts to my desktop instead of bookmarking things or saving them here. Then I end up with too many shortcuts, and it slows things down on the system, so I have clean them off. I don’t want to lose them so I am posting them here:

Thoughts Interrupted – “Deborah’s place to ramble, babble, whatever.”
Character Icons for AIM
Maria’s Place, an old friend of mine that lead me into the world of making soap.
Profiles of the 52 Philadelphia-Area Victims of the 9-11 Tragedy
Nice pens, great price from
Comfort Queen A place to be kind to yourself. So many wonderful bits of information!
Weight Loss with Radiant Health
Blog Linkware Graphics from Unknown Emotion
The Funny Name Server
– Speaking of funny names, Whew!

Ok, that’s enough cleaning for now – I’ll do more later!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Housekeeping…”

LOL! I clicked on the “we made out in tree…” link and there’s a section there – funny things overheard… Oh my god, this is great:
“No, no! YOU are not the Supreme Metaphysical Practioner! I am the Supreme Metaphysical Practioner!”

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