Know the Code

How Did I Forget…

I forgot to mention that I need to install the latest & greatest Event Script to my blog too! Eek! I didn’t forget it so much as I didn’t list it out. So here is my full to-do list – which now displays correctly since I fixed the “expand entries” code!

For Big Pink Cookie:
:: Upgrade to MT 2.5.
:: Add Events Script.
:: Ping Wanderlust using Kristine’s code.
:: Add On this Day Plugin.
:: Add Sanitize Plugin.
:: Add “Blogroll Me” code. (Figure out how much I donated to Blogrolling and upgrade if needed.)
:: Fix MT Search.
:: Add the MTAmazon plug-in to the Media Blog.
:: Add Dress Contest Judge buttons.
:: Add buttons for other projects.

Other Blogs:
:: Change message on PictureYourself homepage.
:: Add links to articles around the web about PictureYourself.
:: Add Kymberlie’s button that she made for PY.
:: Add Photos of myself to PY.
:: Add photos to Pixelog
:: Upgrade other copies of MT.
:: Fix MT search on other blogs.
:: Fix broken links and other goodies.

Non-Blog Stuff
:: Clean out closet.
:: Find photos to use in new dining room picture frames.
:: Find more frames.
:: Make the workout routine happen. No excuses.
:: Send out packages. Jennifer, Michele, Erika, Jess, Susannah, Robyn, Kristine, Promo.
:: Send e-mails. Those that you care about should know how you feel.
:: Relax. Enjoy life.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “How Did I Forget…”

I don’t think there were instructions at Scripty on how to install PHP itself. There are instructions there on ways to use PHP and on how to modify your .htaccess file so that PHP will work with a .html extension. Hope that helps!

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