
I Have to Wonder…

After reading about the Katrina Aftermath, I have to wonder – will New Orleans be allowed to rebuild?

I know that for the rest of the country, that may sound like a crazy question. “Of course! People would want to rebuild their homes! It is a historic city! They have to rebuild!”

However, I’ve been through two bad floods in Houston in the past 11 years (October, 1994 and June, 2001) and if an area was flooded out and the government stepped in to buyout for their homes, they were not allowed to rebuild their homes. Entire subdivisions in Houston have been wiped off the map due to this rule related to federal funds.

So what about New Orleans? What will happen there? Will they be allowed to rebuild? If a city is below sea level to begin with and takes so much effort to keep the water out, isn’t it nature’s way of saying that the land needs to be reclaimed by the ocean? Should their be a city there between the Mississippi river and Lake Pontchatrain?

This is a hard question for me to ask since Mike’s family (the Tremoulet side) is from the New Orleans area. But I still have to wonder…

The refugees from the Superdome are being brought over to the Houston Astrodome. I have bags of clothes I was going to give to Northwest Assistance Ministries, but now I am looking for an organization that will take them for the hurricane victims. If you know of one, please let me know.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “I Have to Wonder…”

Hi Christine,

The closest Red Cross drop-off place I found was Tabernacle church in Spring. On 2920 near 45. I dropped off some stuff there today. It is a shelter and displaced folks were directly receiving the items there.

Awww, man. If I had known – I was just over there earlier today. But I don’t mind making another trip for this. Thanks for the information! If you know the exact address, can you let me know? So I can find it when I head over there later this week.

Were they taking “gently loved” clothes too? Or just new items? I may have some sheets and other things to take over – I’m sure anything helps.

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