Geek Love

I Surrender…

I’ve decided to break up with the Dell Latitude with Attitude. It’s giving me too much attitude, refusing to allow me to type critical letters. I seem to use the letters “T” and “M” way too often. Fortunately, I live in Geek Utopia, and there was the itty bitty laptop just waiting in the wings. This is going to be an interesting switch, as I have nothing set up on this laptop, I’m not used to working on Windows XP (I’ve been using Win2000 for years), it has a condensed keyboard vs. the full size keyboard of the Dell, the monitor is small, and I had to install Firefox, so I have no plugins installed. It will be an adjustment.

On a positive note, this laptop weighs about 2.1 pounds with the 2 hour battery, and is still under 4 pounds with the 9 hour battery. And it’s so small it fits into my purse, just over 1/2″ thick. Feel free to have geek envy…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “I Surrender…”

It is a Sharp Actius MM10. I’m not even sure if they still sell them, as it is a few years old. Same one we had in Galveston last year before the wedding; he bought it the year before when he travelled more for work.

Well, I won’t post anonymously, but whenever you decide you need a new computer, you might want to consider a Mac. 😉 It’s certainly a much bigger step from windows to os x than it is from windows 2000 to windows xp, but really it’s worth it.

I just bought a new laptop, one with a wide screen display! It’s nice. 🙂 I had to reinstall Firefox and all my fav extensions and make recovery cd’s before I could even read a blog! Hey, did you get my email about Sis-2-Sis?

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I Surrender…

I’m giving in. My throat – on the outside, where the glands are – has hurt for weeks. I’m now going through another round of being congested, sneezing, low grade temp, and just generally feeling like crap. I’m sure that is allergies, since my car is covered with a haze of yellow dust, but the fact that my neck hurts worse is enough to make me scream. Well, actually it’s enough to turn me in to a hypochondriac, diagnosing myself on I’ve decided I have either a thyroid disorder or arthritis. (All my joints hurt when I move them.) I’m convinced that they won’t have a cure, and I’ll just have this really sore neck for the rest of my life. Meanwhile, the doctor won’t believe me and he’ll just think that I’m a hypochondriac.

Nah, I don’t have issues about this sort of thing. Uh uh, not at all.

It is incredibly rare for me to take off time from work when I’m sick. But I don’t have any looming deadlines today – I got those out of my way on Monday and Tuesday – so I think it’s about time that I gave in, sucked it up, and went to the doctor. Now if only they can get me in…

Update: I called at 8am, they called back with a time at 8:10am, and I have an appointment at 11am. There was no point in driving in to work for an hour and a half, and when I called Sandy (our office manager) she agreed. So now I’m reading through my NewzCrawler and waiting until it’s time to head on over there.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “I Surrender…”

I have the exact same symptoms – have been carrying this bug since last Thurs., took Mon. and Tues. off, and was hoping to relax again today and lick this dang thing.. I have to go in – critical work needed. Argh. Another weekend on the couch is in order.

I’ve had the same symptoms off and on for a few weeks now. My doctor is sending me in for a diabetes test (because of family history) and a thyroid test. She thinks it’s a good chance that I have hypothyroidism. I, on the other hand, think whatever I have can blamed on a combination of pollen and stress.

I’m also on the doctor’s watchlist for hypothyroidism. I guess it’s more common as you get older (in women). My doc said that most women eventually have to go on some type of thyroid meds.

So go in and have it checked out already! You might end up feeling loads better. 😉

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Geek Love

I Surrender!

Everyone else is doing it, so I think I will too. I’m going to add “setting up Blogroll” to my list of things to-do. I’ve already started one, but there’s only 2 links in there so far!

My concerns:
1. That it will slow down the loading of my site.
2. I like my “Random Blog Links” list and I don’t think it will work with the Blogroll since it’s PHP. Bummer.
3. What if goes away? Poof?! I wish there was a way to “export” your link list so I would have a backup.

On the other hand I like that it’s displaying who has recently updated their blogs. And let’s be honest – there is no way I can get through that entire blog list. I might just have to make an “always” list (the blogs I always read) and a second “more” list for the blogs I try to get to at least once a week. Hmmm… I’m going to have to think on this a bit longer.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

16 replies on “I Surrender!”

Yep, those are my exact same concerns. I was using a file that I was including in every other spot where my reads show up. And that was working pretty well.

But then I tried out blogrolling, and it was so easy to add things with a bookmarklet.

I have 3 blogrolls. One that’s my dailies, one that’s new reads, and then a more list. Its not as easy to edit lists as it is to view or add, but still nice.

It adds a bit of load time, but its not too bad. But yeah, I share your concerns…. but I gave in because its so easy. 🙂

Very valid concerns and I’m with you in the “What if goes away” feeling. That’s a good idea the exporting, maybe you could suggest it to Jason. I would hate to loose all my links if the site became too much to handle because of it’s popularity. But so far it’s been excellent. Hopefully it will work great for you.

Funny you mentioned that, I was just talking to Jenn about that very thing. I thought it would be great if we could isntall the code for individual use. She suggested I contact the owner so I did.

He said is considering a personal edition after he works a few things out. He was encouraged that there was interest. Couldn’t hurt to let him know you like the idea also.

And what I forgot to say (I was typing that as I left for lunch) is that the benefit of being able to mark the “updated recently” blogs outweighs most of my concerns. During the daytime, its really nice to be able to just keep an eye on who has updated instead of going through all my blogs. I love that.

Oh, Promo, thanks for sharing that – I’ll write the owner too, and share that I’m interersted in a personal version. That would really be terrific, and plus, it would save him bandwidth 🙂

Heh, all these people talkin bout me behind my back 🙂 Just to address a few of the concerns here we go…

Uptime: The server has had 100% uptime (knock on wood) and is not even straining. The server isn’t going anywhere for the forseeable future. If I got hit by a bus and killed and didn’t pay my bill that would be an issue I guess but then again like I’d care what happened to some links if I’m dead…

Load times: The load time for the page is based on the surfers conn to MY server so it may vary a bit but only one person has really complained and removed it for that issue. The server is hosted in New York and has multiple OC3 connections to the net.

Backups of data: Gimme a few more days. It’s coming. I promise. Along with static RSS and OPML for that Radio crowd.

There’s more stuff coming too but I love hearing from people. I don’t really get much from this besides the fun so I try and make it as cool as it can be and as flexible and useful as possible. Hope that puts some of your fears at ease…

I’ll just second what others have said, and add that thanks to BR I can keep lists of topical blogs easily; it makes my sidebar a great reference for me as well as any visitors.

I donated to Jason last week, I love it so much! That said, I have a backed up list of links “just in case”. I have a small list on my index page and I haven’t really noticed a lagtime with it — just a slight one on my larger list. I don’t know how I ever lived without it, and Jason rocks!

Hey Christine, Gnomeboy is looking for ya. Check out his blog. I thought about something. Since you and I are from the Houston area, and both know of Micheal Garfield (the Hi-Tech Texan), how would he be on TechTV? Hmmmm lol

I love Blogrolling. But boy does it make it easy to add more and more blogs to your read list! Mine has increased by 15 since I started using it! lol

Thanks for the answers and comments Jason. Glad to know da owner takes such personal pride. :o)

Check it out: one time I had a question for Jason. Didn’t know him at all, but liked the blogrolling after Gretchen convinced me it was the shiznit….
So I ask Jason if he could look into putting something up so that I could have a front and a back thing on the link, like this [hoopty]. Anyway, not 5 MINUTES after I send it and he responds, and not 5 MINUTES after that he’s got it all working.

The dude is hella cool and although the biggest pain is the initial setup, you’ll be lovin’ it once it’s running!

I have nothing to add. I just to see my name. Jeez, I’m tired. Good night, everyone.

PS Since you won immunity, I feel less guilty being part of the Matrix Whore Tribe.

Well I use blogroll, and I think it’s really cool… but just so you know, I’ve now added an easier way to add links to your list (no editing HTML) (go check out scriptygoddess). It’s meant to work with that random link script…

Future revisions will allow you to edit/remove links (again, no html)…

But blogroll is the king. I love the fact that you can see who’s linking to who… hehehe and that scripty and workingmom are actually on the top 25 of linked blogs!!! (uh… but who’s counting) 😉

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