Thanks to Chelsey and her legal battles with hyphen-hyphen over school uniforms (or restricted dress codes, or whatever you want to call them – they are still a uniform!) I’ve got I’m Just a Bill stuck in my head now. So today’s trivia question is … they never say in the song what the bill is about, but the show it in the video – do you remember what it was?
I’m just a bill, yes I’m only a bill…
5 replies on “I’m Just a Bill…”
um, doesn’t the bill ask that school buses stop at RR crossings? i seem to remember a big hand going up thar…
I can only think of the Simpsons parody where the bill outlaws flag burning – gosh, that’s a funny song!
Christine I have to use this to email you 🙂 no I didnt get any email from you except the one through the comments 🙂 and being that I can’t get on tonight this would be a great time if you could skin me if you have time 🙂 don’t sweat it if you have other plans 🙂 well have to get some more blogging in before I head home 🙂 it ain’t fair!!!! 🙂
And I’m sitting on Capitol Hill…lalalala….I think it was the RR crossings also.
It was! It was! Yeah! It was the bus stopping at the railroad crossing. Chelsey couldn’t remember it – but I did!