Just a thought…
When the title of your spam is to “Biggee your penis 3 inches in 22 days” … is that like super-sizing it? “I’d like the #4 penis and could you make it a Biggee for me? Thanks!”
Just a thought…
When the title of your spam is to “Biggee your penis 3 inches in 22 days” … is that like super-sizing it? “I’d like the #4 penis and could you make it a Biggee for me? Thanks!”
12 replies on “Is That Like…”
So, can I get a Frosty with that?
OH, that is funny! A good one. Woo…now I need sleep. I have had my giggle before bed. G’night and Happy monday!
Large penis. Pie. Large Coffee. Pronto.
roflmao!! oh god, thats funny. i love those spams. i have to wonder if people reply to them though and but it. hmmm
Hey, laugh if you will but those things work … er, so I’ve heard.
Hmmmmm… sure it does, TJ. Uh huh.
And wouldn’t a Frosty have an opposite effect? You know … shrinkage? We can’t have that!
That’s really odd, because I call my penis Dave Thomas.
Never again, will I be able to order fast food without thinking about this now… ROFL!!
I had the biggee penis one at the same time as one to enlarge my boobs…
That reminds me of the Simpsons: “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.” I giggle everytime I hear that.
Ha, ha!
Time for a spellcheck
I was reading through Big Pink Cookie, and came across a post regarding a misspelling in a spam e-mail’s title. Now, you would figure, if you are going to annoy thousands of people, and after that be hated by them for the rest of your life, wouldn’t yo…