
It’s Island Time!

Kymberlie, my Mom, Jason & I headed down to Galveston last night. It was nice to have a night away from all the hustle and bustle of wedding planning and just get settled in to the hotel for the weekend. Ahhhhhh…

Today we have the bridal luncheon at 1:00, nails at 3:00, rehearsal at 7:00 and the rehearsal dinner at Luigi’s at 8:00. Then tomorrow is the big day…

Now that I’m here, I’m no longer worried about all the little details. Whatever happens, happens. The most important thing? There will be a wedding at 4:30. Guests will be there to celebrate with us and we will have a good time. That’s what matters most!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

33 replies on “It’s Island Time!”

Congratulations, Christine! I’ve been following along with your preparations, from the peanut gallery, and I can’t believe your big day is finally here. I wish you all the joy in the world for your new marriage!

Congratulations! Wow, time sure does fly! 🙂 I hope you and Mike have many, many years happy with Jason and any other babes that may come along. 😉

Hey Christine. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Wedding Day. Enjoy yourself and enjoy the day. Make all sorts of happy memories of the day. I can’t wait to see a pic or two of the happy couple all dressed up.


Mazel tov! Glad you’ve come to the conclusion that whatever happens, happens. That’s the best way to enjoy your special day.

Wishing you all you wish for.
Enjoy your wedding and London and Paris.
Can’t wait for your return to hear all the details.

Congrats!!! I wish you and Mike the very best and enjoy the day together.. Can’t wait to hear the details!!

WOW you must be so excited… I know I will be when the day finally arrives… Try to take the time to enjoy every minute of it and congratulations! 🙂 I’ll be looking forward to hearing all about it.

Congratulations Christine!
enjoy yourselves, everything is going to be fine.

Wishing you both much happiness, togetherness and love for the many decades to come.

All our love and warm wishes
hugin and munin

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