Like J-Mo, I almost cried this morning when I walked outside and discovered that the sky was BLUE with little white puffy clouds. My mood is 150% better then it was 24 hours ago thanks to finally having some sunlight! I even took photos of it, I was that excited – I’ll be sure to post them later today.
The car survived the raging flood waters (ok, ok, they weren’t raging – just deep) and checked out this morning when I dug around under the hood to check out the belts and the oil. Doesn’t look like I got water in the engine – yeah! So all has ended well here. Really, I couldn’t ask for more.
10 replies on “I’ve Got Sunshine…”
well then, hallelujah. 🙂
So your saying I should stop doing that rain dance then?
ok noah, time to start unloading the ark!
Hehe, that’s definitely a good thing – I think I would have taken pictures of the clear sky, too, just to prove to myself it actually was clear. 😉
*sings* i can see clearly now, the rain is gone …
can I have some of that clear sky? we’ve had rain for a couple days straight here 🙁
Couple of days? The Houstonians laugh in your general direction. 😉
the roads where we live ALWAYS flood — even after a few hours of heavy rain. my favorite story is the night it poured and poured, and we were all slowing making our way through thigh-high waters. a woman’s car was stuck, so the man in the car behind her got out to help — in knee socks, boxers, his dress shirt & tie! everyone cheered him on as he waded through the flood. it was quite amusing.
I’m glad the sun’s come out again!
Well, one can certainly count your many blessings…
Well, one can certainly count your many blessings…