Know the Code

MT 2.0…

I wanted to take a moment to gush all sorts of lavish praise about MovableType 2.0. I love the new interface. I love that I can now ban IPs from commenting. I love how fast & easy it was to install. I love it. Love, love, love it. I love that I can rearrange the MT entry page as I wish. OH! And now when you upload a photo you can make a thumbnail of it at the same time! How is that for cool? Yes, the list of things to like goes on & on. I just read Candi’s post about how long it takes for her to rebuild her blog. Yes, the 2.0 rebuild takes a little longer for me then 1.4 did because now it rebuilds 40 posts at a time. That said, I can do a FULL rebuild of *1480* entries, including individual, daily, weekly, monthly, category archives plus the regular index templates, in under 2 minutes. I timed it earlier when I added the daily archives to make the calendar links display all of the posts for a certain day, not just one. Under 2 minutes is not bad when it comes to that many entries. Other blog softwares would have taken … oh, they would have crashed at about 600 entries, who am I kidding. There are bug fixes that 2.0 addresses. I think it is well worth the upgrade. It was fast & painless, and the latest & greatest ROCKS!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “MT 2.0…”

🙂 I love it so much too! 🙂 It really is an amazing piece of software. And its just super awesome that it still is being developed further!! I can’t rave enough!!!!

I’m still so in the Dark Ages when it comes to blogging and web design. I’ve been doing a manual, twice-weekly update with no archives (life is short, so is my blog), but reading your review on movable type is making me very itchy to start using a blog program.

And by the way, the skin chooser thing is really, really neat!

I have just recently set up a site for a friend using MT and the “rebuild” part has gotten fairly annoying.
MT would be much better if it used mySQL.
Until then I’ll just have to tweak my PHP files to implement the thumbnail feature of MT v2.0 (TOO COOL).

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