I have done absolutely nothing today. I woke up about 10am, and laid in bed until 1:45pm while I finished reading “Bridget Jones’s Diary”. The cats joined me in bed, content to do nothing themselves. The book was good, very different then the movie. I figured it would be – but not as entirely different as it ended up being. Go read the book. Fast read, just as funny. Heck, you are reading this blog aren’t you? And it is essentially a journal. No different. All blog addicts (me included) will enjoy the book. Now I need to see if Kymberlie has found her copy of the second book, or else see if they have it at the local Half Price Books.
After the storm last night (Tropical Storm Allison) it is quite cool (mid 80s) outside today. I am trying to find some energy to motivate myself to go & put the plants that I bought over a week ago into pots. Need to take advantage of the cool weather while I can. That and the fact that there are only 2 and a half days left of “freedom” from working. Next Monday it is back to the 9 to 5 way of life. I miss it at times, but then again it was pretty nice in a way to get to do nothing this morning. Just read an interesting article on Coping with Job Loss. Guess I am not supposed to lounge around all day while unemployed. Well, does it count though since I already have a new job? I don’t think so. I hustled fast. I deserve a break.
The storm didn’t effect us too much on the Northwest side of Houston, we are far enough from Galveston (about an hour & a half) that by the time it reaches us it is just a strong thunderstorm. I did get to see a rather bizarre looking orange sunset last night which had quite an errie glow to it. Lightening added to the scene. Lots of heavy rain, but otherwise ok here.
2 replies on “Nothing.”
I’m pretty sure I know where the second Bridget Jones is. Remind me to get it (and burn a copy of that Music for a Stress-Free Day CD) and we can get together for lunch. Btw, been playing The Sims any?
You are such a *doll*. Last free day before I go back to work. I can’t believe it. Nope, haven’t played the Sims yet. Laptop is too tempermental.