Ok, ok, thanks to this explanation about the war from a Warmonger to a Peacenik, now I finally get the war. Wow, I didn’t realize it was all that plain and simple. [via Jay. War gives him a headache too.]
By the way – can someone, anyone, point me to the official statement that the UN made when they told Bush that he couldn’t go and start a war? And then the link to an article about Bush’s speech on TV where he said that he didn’t care what the UN said, we had to go? (I know I’m paraphrasing here, that is why I’m looking for the actual articles.) I tried Google searches left and right, but I haven’t had any luck. Help? Anyone?
Speaking of Bush’s appearances, just how sure can you be that that is really him on TV anyways?. “Some experts suspect that this might be a heretofore unknown Bush brother, a family sleeper who has been groomed to step in at times of crisis, or even George Bush Sr on his first outing following a recent toupee fitting and a course of Botox injections.” [also via Jay.]
11 replies on “Now I Get It…”
Wow, that about sums it up alright. I have no idea where you would find those documents, apart from checking the UN website perhaps?
thanks for that link.
it’s pretty hard to put a finger on everything but that sums it up.. almost 😉
hahaha..a look alike Bush.
i think bush should send his daughters to iraq to help with the war effort. see if his desire to fight this war changes.
and is it just me, or isn’t osama still at large? how bout using that army to weed out that little bastard first. sure, i have no love for saddam, but he aint’ taking out skyscrapers, last time i checked.
“By the way – can someone, anyone, point me to the official statement that the UN made when they told Bush that he couldn’t go and start a war?”
No such statement exists.
Other factual inaccuracies with the articles: weapons inspectors have never said that Iraq doesn’t have nuclear weapons. April Gillespie did not “green light” the invasion of Kuwait – this is a persistent myth from Bush critics becauase that was the excuse Saddam Hussein gave afterwards.
I’ll stop there, but there are many other misstatements and distortions in this piece; ironic considering it accuses the adminsitration of mistruths and distortions.
That’s good Christine- thanks for the link!
I’m with Mike here… it’s full of half-truths and distortions – good, old-fashioned political drivel. A fun read, in any case, and I wouldn’t mind seeing someone from the other side of the fence write one equally as unbalanced in favor of the war. Then we could all link to both of them to show how both sides blow things way out of proportion.
I’m with Mike. That essay is full of half-truths and distortions – pure, old-fashioned political drivel.
I’d like to see someone from the other side of the fence make a similar essay, but pro-war, leaning as heavily on distortion in favor of combat. Then we could all link to both and blog about how both sides blow things way out of proportion.
Well Mike, the little “fun” piece only says that “have not been able to find any such weapons”. It doesn’t say that weapons inspectors were sure that they did or didn’t have them.
Explanation of the war
Found in the center of a Big Pink Cookie: A Warmonger explains the war to a PeaceNik. It’s long, but this was my personal favorite: PN: So what is the purpose of the Department of Homeland Security, color-coded terror alerts,…