Every time I see the Pink Hello Kitty Laptop, I wonder if Tom will let Kathy do this to hers. I mean, come one. People get cool cases for their PCs decked out with clear panels and lights, right? So what’s wrong with a Pink Hello Kitty Laptop?
By Christine
Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.
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16 replies on “PHKL…”
Hehe, does it vibrate, too?
OMG that is too cute!! I want one!!
Way cool kitty case.
OT: holy cow, I don’t check your site for like a couple of hours and blam I am way behind.
You know, Christine…it wouldn’t be that tough to modify that into a big pink cookie spork posse (bpcsp™) laptop if one were to be so inclined. ;P
Nothing wrong with it. Besides the fact its just wrong =D
OH MY GOODNESS!!! =:D I am such a hello kitty addict lately. In fact, just today I succumbed to my Compulsive Hello Kitty Collecting Disorder once again: http://www.laserblog.com/archivesmt/000560.html
That page is a riot. 😀
In the Grim Future of Hello Kitty, There is Only War…
i think i can do better than that… 🙂 i already have the HK mouse and the HK keyboard… not sure if i want to tote around a HK laptop, but i can dig up some stickers and place them strategically… LOL
Where’s the love for My Melody or the other Sanrio characters? *sniff* I want a My Melody laptop! LOL
pretty fuzzy and cute. 🙂
Oh man, the PHKL has been around for a long time now! But have you seen my bathroom?
Meredith – if you’re checking back, i left you a comment on your photo site. great pics!
i luv it pleez make me 1 i am willing 2 pay luv maddy
Now I’ve seen it all…
It’s a Pink Hello Kitty Laptop! via Christine. I just LOVE it! I’m a nut though.
Case mods
I’m not really into the whole case mod thing. Yet. Although, a few bright but not too bright cathode tubes would be very cool to have. My personal favorite case…
Hi Christine.
Let me take this time to introduce you to my computer mod.
Christine….this is Christine my computer