Photo editing is in full swing here. I’m working on the London & Paris calendar first (as Tara requested it) and I hope to have the “DIY calendar” order form up soon too. However, if you don’t want to wait, leave me a comment. We’ll get your calendar under way!
After the London/Paris calendar is done, I’ll do a London calendar and a Paris calendar next. Those will be easy, since I’ve already narrowed it down to about 20 images for each city. All of this is helping me get the final prints ready for the art show in just under two weeks. Anyone want to help me pick out photographs?
By the way, the above photo is one of those little gems that was lost in the archives of my photographs. I simply adore that butterfly.
3 replies on “Photo Editing…”
Little gem is right! I feel as though I could actually touch the butterfly’s wings.
will the Paris/London calendars be available to order online? or will they be for your photo sales?
I’m in line first!