
PhotoBlog Survey…

I’m working with Jenn to come up with a slight redesign of Pixelog. Poor, poor Pixelog is sadly in need of an update, but I want to migrate it to WP first.

My question is – do you like the current design, with the smaller images and the text beside the photos – with the option to click on the image and see a larger version of the photo sometimes, or do you prefer Photoblogs with larger images such as Chromasia, Ephemera or Heather Champ?

Thank you for sharing your opinions on this!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “PhotoBlog Survey…”

hmm… for me this is a case of ‘the bigger, the better’. i like that trend alot. your small film strip at top is cool though! it is nice to see recent photos that way, and it’s unique.

also, i like archives that are thumbnails, like this:

rachel james over here shows a really nice calendar photo archive:

maybe where you have your albums list, you could show the most recenty entry from that album?

I really prefer the style involving a single large image (around 500-600 px), with some text about the photo and then perhaps a film strip of recent thumbs across the bottom. Really the only changes I’d make to your current layout would be to increase the main image size a little and move the filmstrip to the bottom so the main image fits entirely on the first screen regardless of resolution. It’s a great design.

I like the larger images, but I like your existing layout, too. Maybe you can rework it so the photos are a bit bigger? I hate spending the time clicking for a larger image. 🙂

the penis looking pic always scares me when I visit your site or the other one.. Of course its not a penis, but it sure looks like one hehehe

What do you mean by polaroid style images? Just curious because I’m not picturing it right now.

I am planning on keeping the film strip, and leaving it right where it is. It is still one of my absolute favorite thing about my site. But I agree with Shelly – I don’t want to have to click for larger images – but I don’t want to make people scroll for the “notes” – because sometimes the story behind the photo is as important as the photo itself.

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