
Ring My Bell…

As I mentioned yesterday, EJ gave me a ton of helpful information on websites that would work with my cell phone and allow me to download free ringtones and screensavers for it. Here are all of the links I’ve found so far:

:: allows you to upload files that you can then download to your phone.
:: allows you to store your digital photos on their site so you can display them on your phone.
Samsung Electronics is the home page for my cell phone.
:: Ifni Free MIDI Music Files offers a ton of MIDI files to use for your cell phone ringtones. Yes, I surfed Midi files yesterday – I would have never imagined I would be doing that!
:: DS Effects has cool applets, scripts and midlets for your phone.
:: MIDlet Games wireless Java Games and Software.
:: MicroJava has more games and software.
:: Spruce has a Magic 8-ball midlet that can now help me with my decision making!
:: Jams has more Jave applications for your phone.
:: Java Games offers Clix, that super addictive game that I could play for hours on the PC.
:: Other game links for the phone.
:: Midlet is a huge resource of games & applications.
:: REQwireless has a kick ass web browser for your phone! It’s shareware, but it allows you to view all sites – whether they are WAP-enabled or not! It also resizes images on sites on the fly so that you can view them on your phone without having it be cut off. It’s so cool! (Now if I could just figure out how to fill out a form while using it…)

And if all those weren’t cool enough, I just now found this one!
:: Kablog! (Yeah, having “blog” in there caught my attention!) “KABLOG is a tool for mobile phones and PDAs that allows you to post new blog entries to Movable Type. (It may also work with other blog services supporting an XMLRPC interface similar to Movable Type’s, but this has not been tested.)” I can only imagine how long it would take for me to type out an MT post on my phone, but it can be done! (Now I just need to go here to get the files.) Note: Kablog is available for Palm devices too, just in case you have one of those!

Stripped page tutorial coming later today! So far I know that Kristine has one up for me – anyone else? Come on … you know you want to strip!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Ring My Bell…”

I blogged from the mall the other day, and it wasn’t pretty. What I thought was me being witty on the spur of the moment is probably something I would’ve kept to myself under different circumstances. Still, it was a proof-of-concept post, and it worked.

Nice sites; there isn’t anything else that I found that you haven’t found yourself! Good job!!!

I’ve been having lots of fun with my phone, as I’m sure you have been with yours, too. Email me your cell email… so we can share cool cell-phone friendly sites!!!

To fill out a form with Reqwireless WebViewer, you need to press the “FIRE” key when focused on the form element. (The “FIRE” key is the same key used to follow links.)

I work for Reqwireless… It’s nice to see that you’re enjoying our browser.

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Amuse Me

Ring My Bell…

I have a confession. I screen my calls. Thanks to the joy of caller ID, most of the time I don’t answer calls that say “Unknown” or “Out of Area”. Especially not the unknown ones – I figure if I don’t know you, then you don’t know me. Most of the time this is true and spares me the agony of a lot of sales calls. However, I paused this morning when I saw the 416 area code… something told me I should answer – and what a pleasant surprise! It was Rannie calling to check up on me and make sure I was doing ok! Wheeee!!! I can’t even tell you how giddy and excited I was to hear from him – it’s was so wonderful! Thank you for calling me!

By the way, if you ever call me at home & I don’t answer (that whole screening thing) just leave a voicemail. I’ll call you right back. I promise.

On a completely separate note, later when I set more things up on this annoying PC I must remember to set up BlogAmp so I can have a working playlist again. I also need to set up Trillian so I can get back on AIM, MSN Messenger, and all the others. Right now, I have no chat abilities, and I can’t really be an unemployed Blogger without that now, can I?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

14 replies on “Ring My Bell…”

do you like Trillian? i tried that and it just really slowed my pc down significantly… and bits of the conversation got lost in the transmission… cuz last time i used Trillian, i was chatting with a friend and then my friend started freaking out and asking me who in the world i was talking to… when she showed me the chat logs, our whole dialogue was so messed up. LOL

Hehe, BlogAmp sounds interesting, but I don’t know if I’m ready to get that personal on my website. ๐Ÿ˜‰ As for the call screening, just wait til you realize that potential employers might be calling from an “Out of Area” number. :\

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