AOL mail: OK for others, not itself: So, you see, thanks to the many problems that AOL’s e-mail system has, it seems the AOL employees aren’t using it. I like the fact that if they send something to a large group of people (like you might send something to a whole team of co-workers), AOL considers them spammers and shuts them down. How is that for ironic? [via Signal vs. Noise]
Sad Irony…
Bush’s Faustian Deal With The Taliban. Yep, Bush’s administration gave the Taliban $43 million dollars. “The gift, announced last Thursday (May 17, 2001 based on the date of the article) by Secretary of State Colin Powell, in addition to other recent aid, makes the U.S. the main sponsor of the Taliban and rewards that “rogue regime” for declaring that opium growing is against the will of God. So, too, by the Taliban’s estimation, are most human activities, but it’s the ban on drugs that catches this administration’s attention.” THE MAIN SPONSOR of the Taliban. Ugh. (Link thanks to sturtle)