I have to revamp e-mail lists before I send this out to the Blogomania clients, so I thought I would spread the good news here first: ALL of the account plans at Blogomania have been increased! More space for the sites, without a change in price. Every plan has had a disk space and a transfer limit increase over the holiday weekend. Yeah! More room to move around in!
Spread the Word!
Something to almost fill the void: Ads.com Launches, AdCritic Vows Competition. “After two years in development, Ads.com today launched a Web site where consumers not only can replay current television commercials, they also can get information about companies and their products.” I have really missed AdCritic.com ever since they shot down last fall. I am glad to see Ads.com go live, but the site leaves a little something to be desired. I found the search feature especially limiting. On the other hand – they tell you technical details such as the music used on an ad. For that the site is great. On that note, I leave you with Blockbuster’s Flashdance ad. Long live Ads.com! [via The Shifted Librarian]
4 replies on “Spread the Word!”
How do you get up to go to work when you are online at 2:20 a.m.? It must really be hard for you to get up then!
This is great. I always loved AdCritic.com and now we get another. Isn’t it interesting how the public sentiment (read hatred) towards ads is turned into nostalgia just a short time later!
I agree, i’m glad to see something back, but i still prefer the old ad critic style.
No, it’s not hard to get up then at all, Mom. I do it all the time – but thanks for your concern. 🙂
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17 replies on “Spread the Word…”
Neato! How come phone/electricity/financial companies never do this?
hip hip hurray!!!!
Awesome, thank you! It’s great to see you’ve got so many clients now. I love having a web host that’s an actual person who has a clue. 🙂
Mmmmmm mmmmm! Dog gone it I sure love that Big Pink Cookie!!!!
Wheeeeee!! That’s awesome, Thanks!!
That’s excellent news – thanks to Blogomania – and you!
woot woot! Scent Sister, you ruuuule. :o)
I dont even remember how i got here, but i just wanted to say i love ur domain and reading ur bog (very entertaining!) so keep it up!
Yippie Skippy and this is my first day as a client too. Couldn’t have found a better place to park my …. domain. *grin*
Great! And the servers stay up consistantly too. I’m a happy blogger.
(I am a little disappointed that you didn’t send around another naughty photo of yourself to make this announcement, though 😉
Great! No more excuses for not getting more photos online… 😎
Cool beans!!! Thanks Christine !!!
wow! yippee! yay hooray! now i can get that elephant i’ve always wanted! 😀
BlogOmania – Free Space!
I got a pleasant surprise today at the office when Christine told me that all BlogOmania clients got free upgrades.
blogomania +++
So cool! :christine: just let all us great blogomaniacs know that we have more bandwidth and space for no extra