
Stadt Heidelberg…

For the people that asked about the castle in the image on the latest skin addition, you can visit the official Stadt Heidelberg site (City of Heidelberg) and see more beautiful images of the city. And they even offer an English version for those of you – like me – that don’t speak German. There is also more tourist information here and specific information on the castle and the castle gardens.

5 replies on “Stadt Heidelberg…”

I don’t know anyone that speaks Germany either…. I know some folks who speak German. Just had to jab ya… if ya can’t jab your friends, who can ya jab?

That is one of the most beautiful picutures I’ve ever seen! You definietly need to start publishing your photographs. I can’t believe that was taken by an “amature”!

Hey ilopan … phhhfffttt 🙂 Thanks for pointing it out, all fixed now!

Kendra, that wasn’t taken by an amatuer. I didn’t take that photo, as I said in an earlier post it is a scan of a postcard. I have however studied some photography (and actually did wedding photos once!) and feature *my* images at Pixelog. (The image on the Venice skin *is* one of my photographs, and I have many others from Europe that will be added over time…)

Any one wanna take a trip with me? Gosh darn but there are some beautiful places here on this planet.
Did you say more pictures? Christine do you have an online album of them? I remember the Venice one, another beautiful picture.

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