Saturday, July 3, 2004

Wedding Photos! (12:17 AM)

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PhotoMatt has posted his wedding photos! Feel free to browse through them.

I promise, I'll post some of my own soon. Along with house photos, Tiara Happy Hour photos and honeymoon photos. Yes, I have a lot of photo editing in my near future!

:: Comments left behind ::

yeah, whatever! ;)

"soon"... BTW, my grandchilden are wanting to see photos from that Tiara Happy Hour... :)

:: don July 3, 2004 12:34 AM

ROFL!! OMG - I read that and thought... "Photomatt posted HIS wedding photos"??!... I didn't know he got married TOO. LOL! (Yes, I realize my mistake now.)

:: Jennifer July 3, 2004 06:46 AM

Just Call Me FireFoxy... (12:06 AM)

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If Cookie/IP access fail, there is password access, however it must be used for each page with a password protected entry. Not the best workaround, but it's the only solution for those who have their cookies turned off.

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First, my confession. If you are one of those people that watches the log files to see what browsers people use, I am a diehard IE user. (If you are really a fanatic about watching things like that, you probably knew that already.) People have tried to convince me to switch, but I have just never given in. Sites don't always look pretty on Firefox. I used tabbed browsing back in 1996 with Opera, and just prefer IE. I'm used to having 10+ browser windows open at one time, and with tabs I tend to close the main window instead of just a tab. The list just goes on and on.

Tonight, while surfing along, I came across Scott Andrew's tech site, Delimiter, thanks to Ernie. I decided to go to Scott's main page to check things out and maybe listen to some of his music. (Good stuff there, if you ask me.) However, there is a nice little warning that I should stop using IE on the top of the page. "Hey! If you're using Internet Explorer, you're exposing yourself to viruses that can steal your personal information, banking passwords and more." Then a link leads me to his tales of woe and cybertheft, giving me a good solid reason to leave IE behind. Yeah, I had heard it all before, but this finally sank in. Internet Explorer is Dangerous.

He links to many sources that convince me even more. I have downloaded FireFox, and as soon as I close out my 17 browser windows, I'll go back and read the Introduction to Firefox tutorial.

Today Firefox (and probably Thunderbird too), tomorrow WordPress. What's next? My head is almost spinning from all the possibilities!

UPDATE: Yeah, I've been holding out because I'm not a huge fan of tab browsing. Brilliant. When you right click, you can choose "Open in New Window" in Firefox. You can even make that a permanent setting. Doh!

:: Comments left behind ::

Yep, IE is what installed the trojan on my computer. I don't know if Firefox would have blocked it or not, but I haven't had any problems with it so far.

:: Kymberlie R. McGuire July 3, 2004 12:12 AM

piffle! I use IE and Firefox - and some pages just dont act the same in Firefox.

I've never had any issues with the IE holes - but that's due to my anal-retentive security settings, Zone Alarm, and WindowsUpdate. (course, now I've jinx'd myself) :)

:: don July 3, 2004 12:32 AM

I'm probably way too lax about security, and I know it. That's another reason that I should try to use a more secure browser.

I know some sites just won't work though, and that makes me sad... *le sigh*

:: Christine July 3, 2004 12:58 AM

A good thing with Firefox is that it has built in pop-up blocking. The tabbed browsing is something you get used to (if you choose to use it). I can't live without tabs now. :) I use Firefox at work and Safari on my Mac at home. Looooads of tabs. :D Hope you'll feel safer now when you're not using IE. Some sites just don't plain work in Firefox though, it's a shame when people code exclusively for IE.

Hello from a lurker. :)

:: Ann-Charlotte July 3, 2004 04:16 AM

People are starting to pay attention to standards. FireFox, Mozilla, Opera, and Safari force them to. Besides, with a little bit of knowhow, you can make web pages that look pixel-perfect in all the major browsers.

:: Mark J July 3, 2004 04:43 AM

I was a diehard IE user - until someone showed me that really cool "web developer" extension for firefox... and then I was sold. You can view the CSS for a page - play with it right in the browser and see your changes effect the page right then and there.. Good way to learn CSS :) There's also a ton of other things you can do with that web developer extension... It's very cool...

Although - last night, while trying to get the latest MSN messenger for my phone. Microsoft does NOT LIKE firefox - they actually kept booting me off the page - saying the page didn't exist. Go the same URL in IE - no problem. LOL!

:: Jennifer July 3, 2004 06:52 AM

I'm trying to use FireFox only, but there have been a few pages with wacky tiny fonts that made me go blind trying to read it, so for me, sometimes IE is a necessary evil.

I haven't had much luck with Thunderbird, but my niece is using it. I can't get it to import all of my emails at once. I'm exporting each of my folders to hopefully import one by (slowly) one.

:: miftik July 3, 2004 10:10 AM

Been using Firefox for a while now. :) Love it!

:: Sara July 3, 2004 10:48 AM

Friday, July 2, 2004

Just In Case... (06:47 PM)

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In case you didn't know already, there is a new Blog Showcase in town. Just thought I would pass that along... [via Red Said]

Or you might prefer to Judge Blogs By Their Covers. Full of beautiful sites I might have otherwise missed. (With lots of great tips - good, now that I have time to focus on things like that again!) [via PhotoMatt.]

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Ok, don't have a heartattack - yes, this is my THIRD comment today. LOL!! I wish that "judge blogs" site had full screenshots. I'd like to just scan them all at once - click if I want to take a closer look. Having to click on each and every link - just to see what the rest of the site looks like - is a little frustrating. But that is a really nice collection!!

:: Jennifer July 3, 2004 07:04 AM

Just Call Me Sleeping Beauty... (03:06 PM)

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I've always been a night person. Well, in the sense that I stay up late - because in reality, if I get up early in the morning and get busy doing work, I'm really a morning person and get the most accomplished then. Unfortunately, staying up past midnight normally prevents that from happening.

I'm also one of those people that can be woken up from a solid sleep and function normally. I can talk, cook breakfast, whatever. I'm considering doing Project Blog for that reason, but haven't decided for sure yet.

Last night though? Last night was unusual. I went to sleep at 2:15 am. I am stuck with the alarm on my side of the bed because Mike will sleep through it, so I woke up at 6:30 to wake him up. Again at 7:00. Again at about 7:15, when I begged him to get up so I could go back to sleep. He woke me up at 7:50 when he left. Chelsey called about 9:00 and we talked for a little bit. I told her to call me later, and I went back to sleep. Mike called at 9:50 as he went to get his hair cut. He offered to call back later, but I told him no, I needed to get up and run errands. I promptly went back to sleep. I woke up at noon, lamented over how late it was, and went back to sleep. When I finally woke up at 1:45, I actually screamed "holy CRAP!" Yeah, so much for all the errands I was going to run this morning, right?

However, I must say that I do feel quite refreshed now.

:: Comments left behind ::

You are amazing since I would not function after getting broken sleep. I need my 7 hours or it is a disaster day!

:: Amanda July 2, 2004 03:32 PM

I'm a lurker and well a big fan of jellies from back in the day. I remember my first pair was purple and from Target. I almost crapped myself when I saw Urban Outfitters wants $18 a pair. Didn't they used to be like $2-$3? Talk about inflation!

:: lauren July 2, 2004 04:02 PM

Thursday, July 1, 2004

The Original Jellin' ... (11:41 PM)

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I was just thinking about them the other day. Jellies. The fantabulous summer shoes of the 80s. I think I had two or three pairs - I had to match them with my clothes, of course! I'm almost tempted to order some just to relive the memories!

:: Comments left behind ::

someone at work had a pair on today with a little heel and i couldn't stop staring at them.

:: eve July 1, 2004 11:44 PM

Don't do it! ;-)

:: Natalie July 2, 2004 12:01 AM

i saw Jellies at Urban Outfitters.

:: chattykathy July 2, 2004 01:31 AM

Oooh and they are even in the same style as my old 2nd and 3rd grade jellies. They don't come in purple, which is my favorite jelly color, that is the only thing that's helping me resist.

:: Angela July 2, 2004 05:50 AM

I agree with Natalie... STOP NOW!

I am almost too embarrassed to admit it, but I had ones in EVERY darn color. Ugh.

:: Adelle July 2, 2004 07:14 AM

I agree...don't do it!! if you must make a bad fashion statement do it with screaming blue mascara...oh wait, I think that's back, too!!

Oh God...I don't mind reliving past decades - but why the 80's! Bleh!

:: MishMish July 2, 2004 07:20 AM

i just had to laugh at myself at my own comment! even though i e-mailed you privately, there's an Urban Outfitters in The Galleria (the new part) and in the Rice Village.

:: chattykathy July 2, 2004 09:33 AM

No, don't do it! Remember how uncomfortable they are and how much they make your feet sweat. It's better to keep your fond memories of them, than to try to relive it and experience the jarring reality.

:: Donna July 2, 2004 10:10 AM

Ah, jellies. I lived in those things when I was a little kid! My favourite pair were lime green! :)

But I agree with everyone, Nooooo! Resist the urge of the jelly! Because well, weren't those things just terribly uncomfortable?

:: Shannon July 2, 2004 11:17 AM

See, I remember them being comfortable - but hot. That was in Illinois, so imagine how sweltering hot they would be in Houston? Yeah, my feet would melt!

I'm still slightly tempted to go buy the clear pair, just to bug the crap out of people when I wear them. But for $18, I'll resist it.

Next week, blue eyeshadow!

:: Christine July 2, 2004 02:06 PM

That reminds me of my Jellie shoe experience... my parents imigrated from Cuba with nothing and built up their life here in the US with a lot of hard work. When these shoes were all the rage I begged and pleaded with my parents to get them for me. They always said no because they said that in Cuba those were the shoes the poor people wore and that they did not come to America to have their children wear poor people shoes! It may sound a bit insensitive but I can see now it was just their pride.

My grandmother though did not have the same hang-up so when I visited her in Miami one summer and told her the story, she bought me a pair just to spite my parents! So, I finally had the Jellies... but yes, they sure made my feet sweat!

:: cybertoad July 2, 2004 05:12 PM

I'm Switching Teams... (11:01 PM)

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If Cookie/IP access fail, there is password access, however it must be used for each page with a password protected entry. Not the best workaround, but it's the only solution for those who have their cookies turned off.

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I remember the day I came up with the name for WordPress like it was yesterday. Photo Matt was incredibly excited about his new project (not surprising, if you know Matt - he is quite full of enthusiasm), but didn't have a name yet. He told me he kept thinking about printing presses and how they helped get the word out to the common man. I brainstormed for part of an afternoon, and then it hit me. The URL was available, and I think I was screaming on Matt's voice mail as I left him a message about it. He agreed that he like the name, and WordPress as we know it was born.

Once WP went public, he offered to convert my sites. Matter of fact, my huge blog data dump was used to help them with the MT import feature option. But I held out. Life was up in the air for me, things were really busy, and I just didn't want to add learning a new CMS to the mix.

Now? Now I have WP envy. I visit WP blogs, and I realize that posting comments is so much faster. Then I watch over at ScriptyGoddess, and Jenn is focusing all of her time on WP hacks. New, sparkly, twinkly toys.

The final straw? I need to go through and seriously clean up my Blogrolls. They are a mess. I have sites listed that I never read, and sites that I read all the time aren't listed. It's a mess. It was then that I realized that it is silly to tweak my Blogroll (which may be slowing my site down) when I can convert to WP and manage the Blogroll internally!

I've hinted to Matt that I was probably ready for a change. Today I placed the call. Saturday afternoon at Chez Tremoulet we will become a WP family. (Mike was a part of the original dev team, although work pulled him away from it.) Hopefully, with my recently acquired free time, I can help WP write the instruction docs that they need, and I can help find interesting gadgets, tweaks and hacks for the other WP users. I have my new PHP 5 book here, so hopefully I can learn to write my own code. I could never do that with Perl.

This blog needs some changes. Things need to be shaken up. Hopefully, this will help not only me, but it will help you too. The pages will load faster, and commenting will be a breeze!

Have any WP feedback you want to share? Tips and tricks? Interesting things the world should know? (Ok, that was a loaded question, but I'll leave it that way...)

:: Comments left behind ::

even though i don't use WP on chattykathy, i do use it on 3 other blogs (one of which, i will be consolidating into chattykathy soon)... but i do use WP with chattykathy in terms of the link manager system. i absolutely love it. i can add and delete quickly and everything sits with me and not on an external server. i've been tempted to start over with chattykathy with WP, but i'm so spoiled with pMachine's multi-blog feature. maybe one day. on the other hand, i love WP. it's so easy to do anything and everything!

:: chattykathy July 1, 2004 11:16 PM

Ooo, if you find any good tips/tricks sites, could you please pass them on?? I'm hopelessly lost in my new WP blog, since my host switched...

:: Stacey July 2, 2004 12:26 AM

So far, I only know of things at Scripty. However, I might get in to writing up tips and tricks after I figure it all out. Send me your questions and I'll work on answers in the next week or so!

:: Christine July 2, 2004 12:50 AM

Holy cow! I had no idea that you and matt were associated w/ Word Press! I live under a rock. I'm sure I read your post about it long ago and just forgot. My Mike is all over word press! He's started experimenting with it and blogging with it (bare bones design right now) and he's a REAL big fan of it! When I griped about the MT upgrade hooplah a while ago he said I should try wordpress. Neato that you named it! Neato that your friend made it! Oh, that'd be so awesome if Jenn got lots of scripts going for it. Too cool! Maybe I should consider switching! :D

:: Laserone July 2, 2004 01:41 AM

Oooh, you'll have to tell us how it goes. You've got more entries than I do by a long shot.

I think we're going to be lazy and stick to MT, but I'm still WP-curious.

:: Ginger July 2, 2004 07:56 AM

Really? You're switching? Sigh....

:: Donna July 2, 2004 08:48 AM

I started a journal with WP and this hack and I like it alot. It seems like this is the sort of thing MT should have implemented and I can't figure out why. I'm very tempted to switch to one blog with different user levels so I don't have to have 2 different sites but at the same time, it's nice to be able to have multiple blogs on one installation.

:: Carla July 2, 2004 08:54 AM

I'm planning on starting a blog off blogspot next week and am looking at wordpress - after reading this I'm definitely more interested. I just have to figure out the details. I'm such a novice at html and stuff...

:: martha July 2, 2004 09:14 AM

Congrats Christine. I'm happy with the move, myself. It's a young tool, but it will be interesting to see it mature.

WP is also so much easier to tweak.

Tip: Add the per post moderation hack, and full screen post preview. And live comment preview.

:: Shelley July 2, 2004 10:40 AM

I LOVE WordPress. It is my first try at using a content management system and it is so easy. All these years I've been doing all my entry coding by hand, now I don't have to worry about it!

:: Lisa July 2, 2004 12:24 PM

I can no longer get my rebuilds to rebuild my individual posts, so I've been thinking about this too. Of course, since we can bribe Matt, it's a hell of a lot more tempting than doing it on our own. :D

:: Kymberlie R. McGuire July 2, 2004 04:57 PM

Thanks for posting about this. I installed WordPress today and it really did take 5 minutes or less! Wow!!!

I'll be blogging again soon... well, I'm blogging again now, but on Xanga. Ack. :-)

:: Amy July 2, 2004 05:05 PM

I'm glad you are switching, finally! :) You will love the fact that nothing has to rebuild. I can do everything with WP that I used to do with MT 2 years ago, only faster and better!

Have a good weekend!

:: Sara July 2, 2004 05:33 PM

bribe Matt with food. he likes that. :)

:: chattykathy July 2, 2004 06:23 PM

Oh, I knew what bribe to go with. We're making him lunch, and Sarah has been invited to join us.

:: Christine July 2, 2004 06:30 PM

Yippee! Another blog that I read that is converting to WP. I've been using it for a couple weeks now and even wrote a few plugins (simple ones). I love it. So much faster. I know you're gonna love WP. Can't wait to see what tips and tricks you'll come up with. :)

:: Becky July 2, 2004 09:42 PM


One of us... one of us.

I know you wanna spend all your spare time tweaking WP and writing plugins like Jenn and I have been doing. It's almost funny how easy it is. I only really started learning PHP in January.

:: Mark J July 3, 2004 05:11 AM

OOH! What's the "Full post preview" that Shelley is talking about?!?! That's one thing that kind of bothers me. I'd like to preview my posts before I publish them... Where?! Where is that hack?!!!

(And I'm curious about the "per post moderation" hack...whaz dat?)

:: Jennifer July 3, 2004 07:12 AM

Invitations! Get Your Invites Here! (12:11 PM)

This post is a restricted post. To gain access to view this post, simply click *here* and send me an email (make sure you do NOT change the subject line), and I will give you access ASAP. (Access is usually given within 6 hours, or so (it's done manually)... if after that time you're still not able to see the restricted posts, please email me to let me know and I'll give you password access).

Please note: If you've previously requested access from a different machine, feel free to request access again, and let me know that you use more than one machine - that way I don't overwrite your original permissions.

If Cookie/IP access fail, there is password access, however it must be used for each page with a password protected entry. Not the best workaround, but it's the only solution for those who have their cookies turned off.

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I finally got invitations! I have five Gmail invitations to give away. Tell me why I should send you one, and I will. One rule though - if you have never left a comment before and are coming out of blurkerdom just for an invite, your need had better be really, really good. Schmooze me...

Leave an e-mail address so I can get the invite to you! (I'm leaving soon to get my hair cut though, so you won't get the invite until tonight.)

UPDATE: They have all been sent out, including an extra one that I snagged from Mike. I'll post again when I have more.

:: Comments left behind ::

I'd like one so I can be a sheep. baaaaa baaaaa


:: Nina July 1, 2004 12:14 PM

Don't give me one. :) I don't want it!

:: emily July 1, 2004 12:19 PM

Is there a rule on how many gmail accounts you can have? *just wondering*

:: don July 1, 2004 12:25 PM

I have been waiting for my invites to pass them out, but haven't recevied them yet!

Hmmm...I wonder if they think I don't have good taste in friends and that's why they haven't sent me any yet!

:: MishMish July 1, 2004 12:35 PM

Don, I think you are supposed to just have one - but I'll never tell if you have more...

Hanna, it depends on how often you use your account, from what I've heard. However, I haven't used mine a lot, so maybe it's a time thing?

:: Christine July 1, 2004 12:41 PM

schmoooooze.... ok, not really. I already have one. I just like the word schmoooooooze. :P

:: Liz July 1, 2004 01:06 PM

Ummm... I deserve one because my dog is cute? :)

:: Stacey July 1, 2004 01:29 PM

I would love a gmail account to hopefully get an invite to give to my parents so that I can send them video clips of their first granddaughter. We live several hours apart and they don't get to see her very often.

:: Rachel July 1, 2004 02:37 PM

I deserve one because yahoo is treating me like poo poo. I try to send e-mail replies, and it tells me my login session has ended. The replies never go out, obviously, and that makes me a sad panda...

So really, I'm being an e-mail martyr, but if you can find it in your heart to send me an invite, I'd be ever so grateful!

-The yahoo e-mail martyr

:: Hed July 1, 2004 02:39 PM

I vote for Toga getting gmail!

:: mar July 1, 2004 03:04 PM

Instead of the one that you said you was gonna send me... ;)

...I humbly request that you donate one invitation to the GMail for the Troops project.

Or, the alternative -- the G-Mail for te Troops project started by Wil Wheaton


:: ben July 1, 2004 04:05 PM

I don't want the Gmail Invite, but if you really want to do some good with them, sign up at and donate them to the troops in Iraq who can use the Gig of space for photos from home, etc.

:: Pattie July 1, 2004 04:20 PM

I was just talking to miss RuthAnne on the phone [joanthan's little sis] and she had inquired of one... mostly the factors are ample saving space (for the random pictures I might take of mr. jonathan and friends) the ease of use sans sexy bombardment of ads & spamming... and she's moving to mexico with her parents soon for missionary/orphange-ish work, and email/gmail will be her best form of communication with the world left behind her here in hoody-ville!
I can give you her email, just ask me... I'm perfectly pleased with my gmail, alas... i've gotten not invites to hand out *pout*

:: amancay July 1, 2004 04:47 PM

Upon word of your invitation I rallied three thousand butterflies harnesed to my chariot, piled it with hillsided of dafodils, silks and robes from exotic East, rode to your doorstep with haste of the Gods, lavished myself and all at your feet to dispose of as you wish.

:: Todd Vodka July 1, 2004 08:47 PM

I don't need an invite, either. I just wanted to say that you look really with your hair all like that. Rowr! ;)

:: Kevin July 1, 2004 09:38 PM

Hello :D
Time to suck up, huh?! Ok, here's it straight...I would love a gmail account, please. Why? Because I got engaged at the weekend (wooooohoooo!), and I am going to have to start doing some SERIOUS emailing to get organised for our wedding - so many people to contact, so many things to think about. I've used Yahoo mail for about 5 years, and it takes me about an hour to find all messages regarding one topic, and that;s with organised folders. I have taken a look at gmail, and the opportunity to have "conversations" listings of mail and LUSTED over it - it would my life so, SO much easier to be able to search the million and one emails I'm going to generate / receive as I organise people, international flights for guests, venues, honeymoon, etc etc... that gmail would be the best ever.

Please? :D

:: jen July 2, 2004 03:10 AM

i want an Gmail invite if you could gave me please :))
thank you very much

:: Gustavo July 2, 2004 07:31 PM

Gustavo, that wasn't very strong on the schmooze. Know what I mean? Doesn't matter though - like I updated earlier today, they are all gone. Sorry!

:: Christine July 2, 2004 07:41 PM

Simply Divine... (11:11 AM)

This post is a restricted post. To gain access to view this post, simply click *here* and send me an email (make sure you do NOT change the subject line), and I will give you access ASAP. (Access is usually given within 6 hours, or so (it's done manually)... if after that time you're still not able to see the restricted posts, please email me to let me know and I'll give you password access).

Please note: If you've previously requested access from a different machine, feel free to request access again, and let me know that you use more than one machine - that way I don't overwrite your original permissions.

If Cookie/IP access fail, there is password access, however it must be used for each page with a password protected entry. Not the best workaround, but it's the only solution for those who have their cookies turned off.

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Originally, I had said that I was only going to celebrate our one month wedding anniversary, possibly the six month, and of course the 1 year mark. Then we went to dinner at Vic & Anthony's.

Mike took me to Vic & Anthony's to celebrate our engagement the weekend after we got engaged. (We went to Josephine's the night we got engaged, another one of our favorite places.) That was back in January though - and while my memories of the food were accurate, I forgot just how DAMN GOOD their food is. The most fan-freakin-tabulous steaks EVER. EVER. I grew up outside of Chicago, beef capitol of the U.S. I know a good steak, and theirs are among the BEST.

So I had a filet mignon that just melted in my mouth. Like buttah, it was so divine. But to top it off, I had their Au Gratin potatoes. Oh. My. God.

You know that scene in "When Harry Met Sally" where Meg Ryan does the whole orgasm thing in the restaurant just to be a smartass? Well, I was doing that because the potatoes were absolutely out of this world. I have never had potatoes so good. I could eat them 7 days a week and never be tired. I still roll my eyes and make a slight "O" face every time I think about those potatoes.

Some skinny chick walked by our table with a scowl on her face. I know she had some serious carb envy. I wanted to grab her, sit her down, and force her to try the potatoes so she would know what she was missing. Carbs! Embrace the carbs! They are so di-vine!

So now I'm trying to convince Mike that we should never eat out during the month, saving up for the splurge on the 29th of every month FOREVER to go to Vic & Anthony's for dinner. I almost drool just thinking about it. So excellent. *sigh* Is it the 29th yet?

:: Comments left behind ::

Christine, that looks so nice :) E-mail me with the pricing (please) I'm thinking that's where I'd like to go for my birthday.

:: dtc July 1, 2004 11:42 AM

ahh. it's a Landry's restaurant so no wonder it's good. and DTC, the prices are very high according to Houston Citysearch. it's listed as a $40+ per person restaurant.

:: girl July 1, 2004 11:50 AM

For a steak house, I think the prices are pretty reasonable. Especially considering how FANTASTIC the food is. The 8 or 9 oz Filet Mignon is $26. However, the steaks don't come with sides - you pick them "family style" and range from $5 - $9 for each side. We didn't buy drinks or wine, so we kept the tab down somewhat. With my Coke and tax and so forth, it was probably about $80 for the two of us to eat there.

Considering it cost about $30 for two people to go to the movies these days (at least), I would rather spend $80 for an amazing meal!

:: Christine July 1, 2004 12:05 PM

for some reason, my comment didn't go through. i wanted to say that you're making me hungry! i've never been big on eating steak... so when Tom grilled some the other day, they were scrum-diddly-umptious! :) i like the idea of spending the 29th of every month (at least for your first year or you could take it further) at a fancy schmancy restaurant. it sounds very romantic.

:: chattykathy July 1, 2004 12:12 PM

A rally big meal with lots and lots of carbs is good now and then :)

:: david July 1, 2004 02:14 PM

I am glad to see more folks embracing the potatoes!

You are making me look forward to my birthday dinner at a great steak place here in Dallas, with excellent potatoes, of course! Happy One Month!

:: Donna July 1, 2004 09:09 PM

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

We Will All Be Carried Away... (06:29 PM)

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Oh dear Lord. They just announced on the news that it may be a little less damp this weekend, but that a ton of mosquitos are going to hatch because of it! They even said that our "mosquito alert" is going from medium to high.

Crap. The mosquitos are going to carry us all away. We are so screwed...

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*runs off to check for her[self] area*

:: amancay June 30, 2004 06:43 PM

They are already here. I was outside for a few minutes checking my plants, feeding the fish outside and I came inside all chewed up! I am so itchy, scratchy, ugh! And they are in stealth mode because I only caught one on me... I checked my water garden container and I didn't see any larvae there - I guess the microbe stuff I'm pouring in there is doing its thing and keeping them outta there.

:: cybertoad June 30, 2004 06:58 PM

I just don't want more west nile crap!

:: Adelle June 30, 2004 07:28 PM

I have no idea how you Houstonites deal. I was there in late May and was greeted by the worst heat *ever* at like 5:30 p.m. when I landed. I couldn't believe that it got much worse than that!!

:: LT June 30, 2004 07:46 PM

Y'all have mosquito alerts in Houston?! Insane. (Not in the Clown Possy way)

:: Kevin June 30, 2004 09:31 PM


:: Anne June 30, 2004 11:08 PM

Y'all have big skeeters, too. Screen doors don't bother 'em, they just open 'em and come on in! *itches*

:: Hey Lisa June 30, 2004 11:43 PM

I had never heard a mosquito alert (or warning level, or whatever they called it) before today. Seriously cracked me up - and terrified me at the same time!

LT, you were here the same weekend as my wedding, and it was quite unusually hot that weekend. (Well, for May - not for August!) It was more muggy then normal too. Of course ... it was the wedding weekend after all! Figures!

:: Christine July 1, 2004 04:01 AM

You have mosquito alerts? That settles it - I'm not ever coming to Texas in the summer.

:: mac July 1, 2004 09:36 AM

We ARE screwed. We're doomed to be in the house for the rest of the summer between the heat and the mosquitoes. If my a/c gives out, I'm jumping off the nearest bridge.

:: Natalie July 1, 2004 11:38 AM

We have a mosquito alert?!?! I am not surprised, but I didn't know one existed!

:: MishMish July 1, 2004 12:48 PM

Mosquito alert?? Holy crap!!
I went to get in my pool yesterday, and it was covered with gnats. I hate them almost as much as the skeeters...
And the real shitter is...the skimmer net is not effective on them...they go RIGHT through the damn net.


Skeeter alert..thats just crazy....

:: Jen July 1, 2004 01:58 PM

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

One Month Ago Today... (12:03 PM)

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It is hard to believe that it has been a month since our wedding. I was startled on Sunday when I realized that the anniversary was coming up so soon. Normally, I don't celebrate things like that, but this one seems special - so we are. I honestly could not have married a better man, and I am truly thankful for that. If you ask me, that is definitely worth celebrating!

Can we dance or what?!? Go Disco Mike! (Photo courtesy of Rannie.)

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What a great picture! I think it would go great at the top of your new Married Blog - (not that you'd started one, but you could) I even thought of a name for it. Great huh? LOL!

:: Hey Lisa June 29, 2004 12:20 PM

That's a wonderful photo ~ looks like you had an awesome photographer! Congratulations on your one-month anniversary! We celebrated each of our month anniversaries up until our first, and it was a blast!

:: Lisanne June 29, 2004 12:27 PM

We're glad we were able to go and celebrate the wedding with you. BTW, Kenny was going through his tapes and found some ffotage he took at your wedding. I'll have to get a copy to you.

:: cybertoad June 29, 2004 12:33 PM

What a guy! and hmmm... better not.... :-)

:: don June 29, 2004 12:46 PM

go Mike go!!!

:: chattykathy June 29, 2004 01:06 PM

happy one month!!!!

i love the picture! y'all look like you're having a great time!!!

:: MishMish June 29, 2004 02:01 PM

Damn.. has it been a month already.


:: photojunkie June 29, 2004 02:46 PM

What an adorable couple you two are! You got a great guy, Christine. I can tell. Congratulations on your "anniversary." (How about I know, that was really lame.)

:: Marie June 29, 2004 06:30 PM

It's been a month already?!?! Geez, time is just going too fast. You guys look so cute!!!

:: Michelle June 30, 2004 05:58 AM

Happy One Month Annivesary! You both look really happy in that picture.

:: Ursula June 30, 2004 09:32 AM

That is a great picture!

:: Ash June 30, 2004 10:06 AM

You two look so happy in that picture! I'm so glad to hear things are going well. Have a wonderful 1 month anniversary.

:: Nicole June 30, 2004 10:10 AM

My photos aren't nearly that good, but they're online now at least. :)

:: Matt June 30, 2004 08:04 PM

I can not believe it has been a month already. How is wedded bliss, are you loving it or what....All the luck!

:: SuNfAiRy July 1, 2004 06:06 PM

And Just Like That... (12:53 AM)

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Last year, I wrote a post about The 9th of November, riding bikes, and Amy Legris, my best friend when I was young and lived in Kankakee, Illinois - whose birthday is November 9th.

I was looking through my sidebar tonight to double check my posts that were recently commented on. It is the little thing I do to try to catch the spam posts, and meanwhile to find the most recent comments. I see the post in the list, and I assume that it's going to be spam.

But it isn't.

It is a comment ... from Amy. And I can assume it is from the real Amy, because she calls me "Chris" in the comment. I was Chris for many years, but when we moved to Houston I decided it was time to be Christine. Call me Chris now and I will go carnival freak crazy on you, unless you knew me prior to 1985.

Dude. She found my blog, and she left a comment. I have her e-mail address now, after all these years. Last time I located her was at least 15 years ago - and now, thanks to a blog post, I know how to find her.

Excuse me while I go freak out.

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It is pretty amazing how you can find people! I found my friend who lives in WA from someone who knew him in China and gave me his number! Amazing!

:: amanda June 29, 2004 04:47 AM

OMG, that is just sooooo awesome!!! that just goes to show she was searching her name on Google. LOL (i still do that all the time...)

:: chattykathy June 29, 2004 08:38 AM

This is becoming such a blogger trend! Pamie ( did that last week too!

:: Caro June 29, 2004 09:27 AM

Cool! Small world sometimes.

:: Hey Lisa June 29, 2004 11:22 AM

That is cool. We LOVE the net.

:: Shiz June 29, 2004 12:05 PM

That is so great! :)

:: Shawn June 29, 2004 02:27 PM

That was very touching. I am glad you have your friend back.
All of my long lost friends are ice cream sandwiches.

:: Todd Vodka June 29, 2004 05:01 PM

You both look like you are having a great time! It is nice to see the whole picture of you both rockin out :)

:: amanda June 29, 2004 06:26 PM

Behold! The power of cheese...err...blogs. Cool story! :)

:: Kevin June 29, 2004 11:02 PM

It is such a cool feeling when that happens! Something similar to that happened to me two weeks ago!

:: Ash June 30, 2004 10:06 AM

Monday, June 28, 2004

Strike a Pose! (10:28 PM)

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Yeah, I've had a lot to say, but I left the computer off for 4 days. Now I'll just post a lot to make up for it.

Friday night was the Tiara Happy Hour to celebrate Sarah's birthday. Most of the regulars had arrived when all the sudden this guy walks in. Sarah screams and gives him a hug. I think to myself, "Wow, Sarah's friend really looks like Don from Plastic Fruit." I ask Emily who the guy is. She says she doesn't know. He then turns to me and congratulates me on my marriage. I then freaked out - it WAS Don from Plastic Fruit!

(Yes, when I talk about bloggers to people that read blogs, everyone has a URL tied to their name. Even Mike, who becomes Coffee Mike quite often. There are a lot of Mikes. But I do it to everyone else too.)

Don and Emily took a lot of photos throughout the evening. I did too, but mine are still on my camera. Heck, there are photos of Paris and London still on my camera. Soon, I promise.

The photo that amuses me the most? One that Don took. He was trying to be all stealth and get a candid photo. It has only been a month since our wedding, and I still have a very strong camera radar. Camera about to snap? I must immediately strike a pose. I am just too amused!

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Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!!! (10:05 PM)

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It has rained EVERY SINGLE DAY since we returned from our honeymoon. Daily since June 11th, and I think there were even 3-4 days of rain before that. Sure, sometimes there are moments of sunshine, like the day of Jason's swim team divisionals. Fortunately, it waited until about 5:30 to rain that day. Other days, it just doesn't let up.

Our back yard is turning in to a marsh. The mosquitos are getting thick. The mud sucks on your shoes as you try to walk across the grass. It's just gross.

The forecast for the next 10 days? Scattered Thunderstorms for 7 of them. Partly cloudy for the other 3, including the 4th of July. Gah!

The only thing that gives me some peace of mind is knowing that we are going to Minnesota for a family reunion in just over a week, and Fiery Wench pointed out that it was in the 70s today there.

Then again, there was a day that it was hotter in Paris then it was in Houston while we were on our honeymoon. With my luck, that will happen when we go to Minnesota too. The forecast for July 7th is a high of 82 with isolated thunderstorms. Of course.

Please. I can't take any more rain. Someone, make it stop!

:: Comments left behind ::

Girl it has sucked most of this month. If it wasn't rainging it was cold and if it wasn't cold it was raining. Bah!!

I was so excited to finally have a nice day that I just couldn't bring myself to stay indoors and not enjoy it.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you so maybe it wont rain and it will be nice out for your reunion.

:: Jennifer June 28, 2004 10:12 PM

Mostly sunny and a high of 84 today. You know, in case you wanted to be jealous. ;)

:: Wendy June 29, 2004 10:25 AM

You're telling me, its been the same way up here near DFW as well. One day this month that there wasn't a drop of rain coming from the sky according to the National Weather Service. I'm leaving for FL in two days, and it wouldn't surprise me if the rain follows us there!

:: christina June 30, 2004 10:50 AM

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Quote of the Night... (03:15 AM)

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"It was like a rhino in quicksand... I just couldn't get away."

It's been nothing short of amusing, to say the least. And the cake turned out well, in spite of our sad decorating skills. (It looked cute when we were done with it!) Really, it's all about how it tastes anyways, and it was mighty good!

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Hahaha, sounds like Clinton talk, he's saying he's on a diet, but he's eating tacos like mad according to his own blog entries.

:: Lump June 26, 2004 08:19 PM

This is just to let you know that Big Pink Cookie has been nominated for The Pink Bee Best Blog 2004 (summer) Contest.

People may visit and follow the link at the top to vote.

Congratulations and good luck!

Winners will be announced and notified on 7/5/04

:: Barrie June 27, 2004 09:39 PM

It is always about the taste since after people eat it, it doesn't matter how it looked :) I am glad to hear it tasted great....Did you save any for us :)

:: amanda June 28, 2004 09:25 AM

Friday, June 25, 2004

Mmmm... Cake! (07:05 PM)

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I'm at Emily's house. I baked a cake for Sarah's birthday earlier today, and I brought it here to frost it. She just wrote "Happy Birthday" on it for me. It's crooked, but it's so obviously homemade, Sarah will just have to know how much we loooooove her. Now it's time for the Tiara Happy Hour, and we're going to celebrate!

This weekend, I promise ... Disco Mike. For now, I have a tiara on my head and a party to attend!

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