Amuse Me

That’s It…

I think the time has now come to stop blogging. No, no, not a matter of trolls or anything like that. Oh no. Barbie has a blog. So do several of her friends, like Madison and Chelsea. Targeted to girls between 10 – 14. I would have totally gone for it when I was 10. Now it just amuses me. Did I mention that they are Cam Girls too? No, I’m not kidding. [via Tima, follow the MeFi thread I started here]

A year ago I said that it was amusing that we never see characters on TV using the Internet or going so far as to have a blog. Last week on Friends, Ross & Chandler were using an alumni reunion site. It’s only a matter of time before Rachel has a baby blog – or Monica has a pregnancy blog. Personally, I would love to see Phoebe take over my “Bunny Does it Better” site and chronicle her dating life. Wouldn’t that be hysterical?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “That’s It…”

My 4 year old got one of those for Christmas and they are so cute! Their hair actually looks pretty and stays pretty unlike the other Barbie’s she has. That site is adorable!

Haha…every now and then I’ll see that old episode of Friends where Chandler has a new laptop. Of course, it was in 1994 or something like that, so when he’s describing it like it’s the best thing, EVER (“500 MB hard drive, 8MB of RAM, 2800 bps modem”) I always think it’s funny. Of course, today’s top of the line computers will be ghetto by 2006.

As far as tv people with blogs, a lot of the Real World and Road Rules people have blogs and sites. I’ll go in and read them after watching the show, and it’s true! The producers really do edit a lot of that stuff to make things look completely different than they actually were.

I’m afraid I won’t be reading Barbie’s blog. As much as I loved the doll in my childhood years I think I’ll find her writings kind of silly and I don’t want to stop loving her… ha ha ha!! Bubble baths? Shopping bags? Mini-skirts? I thought she had more inside that little head. 😉

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Amuse Me

That’s It!

After watching Tom’s ZipZap home movie, I MUST GO BUY ONE NOW! That thing just rocks! Matter of fact, I just called my local Radio Shack and they might have some! They have 18 there, and while they have a list he thinks he has some to sell – so I think a store run is in order as soon as I get off work!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “That’s It!”

It seems to me that these cars are almost the same ones that I got as a Japanese import late last year. They are *so* incredibly similar, I was wondering if Tomy Japan had sold the design to Radio Snack!

They seem to have a lot more options for the Japanese models… specific models of real cars, even cool MarioKart models! Do a search for Bit Char-G on eBay. You’ll find these babies!

Courtney, the article here says that they are like the Tomy cars. I’m going to see if I can find some others here – there is a kiosk at the mall that sells them too, and I’m curious as to what brand they are.

The Radio Shack ones can be customized – you can buy different bodies, powers, etc. They are sooooooo cool! I want one! I want it now!

Jay came home the other night, talking about some remote control car. I said, Oh, the one everyone’s talking about? (everyone meaning Christine, but hey, to me, Christine IS everyone ;-))… he said, which one? So I promptly came here and showed him. It wasn’t the one he was talking about, but now he’s all set on finding himself a ZipZap — so much that he even went to Radio Shack tonight! (they didn’t have any)

I think the Tomy ones were the originals… they’re awesome. If Radio Snack bought the rights to them, that’s a bonus… those are really great.

The customization is great… we’ve done some on our Bit Char-Gs, like the motors and tires.

No, Tomy still makes theirs (and from that article it sounds like they are the original) – they make them under a different name for the states, and the Bit Char-G for Japan. Radio Shack makes the ZipZaps, and I found there are a few more brands out there too.

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Know the Code

That’s It?

I just finished the MovableType upgrade on this set of blogs (I have others to do still) in about 5 minutes. It took longer to fill out the form at MT to get the files then it did to do the upgrade itself! SWEET!

I’m now pinging Wander-Lust thanks to Kristine. I’ve also added the “On This Day” plugin to the site – it’s on the sidebar of some skins under “Back in Time”. Maybe I should rename it “Stale Cookies”?!

Fixing my MT Search is still on the list of things to do, along with several other things. You can see them all here.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “That’s It?”

Ahh… but you didn’t do the mt-search fix thingy… (your search is broken). That’s why my upgrade took me so long.

I really wish they had included those instructions on the UPGRADE part… (to see how to “upgrade the mt-search” – look in the regular instructions – under Public Search – and alternate templates)

Yeah, I’ve been very impressed with how easily MT upgrades … of course, it’s one of the best pieces of software I’ve ever seen at almost everything else, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at all. 😉

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