Media Consumption

The Notebook…

The Notebook (New Line Platinum Series)I don’t normally watch a lot of movies, but this summer I seem to be catching up on all the ones I’ve missed, and even seen a number of the ones in the theater. Today, thanks to Starz, I finally watched The Notebook. Oh my goodness. I think I cried through half the movie. It was so good. And so sad. And so sappy. And so sweet. And just so … I don’t know. Man. My eyes are still puffy, hours after I watched it. I feel so drained. It is on the TiVo right now and if I thought I could handle it twice in one day, I would watch it again.

Yes, that good. Watch it, but be sure to have a box of Kleenex handy.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “The Notebook…”

Well, I left a comment earlier…but I don’t know what happened to it. 🙁

I really like Nicholas Sparks, but as for the movies, this is the only one I have liked so far. Message in a Bottle wasn’t good as a movie at all, though I loved the book. I also loved The Long Walk, but refused to watch the movie b/c of how Message in a Bottle turned out. I cried reading The Notebook & watching the movie.

I’ve never read any of his books – I didn’t even realize that “Message in a Bottle” was written by him originally. Now I need to go back and read “The Notebook” – although I’m not sure if I can handle it emotionally…

omg! omg! i know, i luv luv luv that movie. me and my three friends watched it , and we cried so hard, u’d a thought some one died.i totally agree with you, its soo..everything, emotional and romantic but so sad and so true. my grampa died of alztimer’s disease, and it really gave u a peak inside their worlds. i dont think i’ve cried that hard in a while, cept for finding neverland and a walk to remeber. amazing movie. really.

i was in the theater when i saw it and it was a sobfest – seriously, you could even hear men asking their spouses/girlfriends for tissues…. it was crazy. good movie. loved it.

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