Amuse Me


Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen’t mttaer, the olny thnig thta’s iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry wrod is in the corerct ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed the txet wiohtut dclftfuiiy.

Did it wrok for you?

[via, or rather lifted from, BlogDaddy]

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

42 replies on “Whoa…”

I’ll say what I said on BlogDaddy (and I’m really being serious) that’s not too far off what words look like to me anyway! I really gotta get help for dyslexia, don’t I. One of these days…

I read that just as fast as I would with the words all being spelled correctly. Wired. (How about that? What if misspelling a word spells another one?)

I must not be as smart as the others, because that was quite difficult for me to dicipher. I had to think about the words. I had my husband read it, and he said it was just as easy as if they were written correctly, but to me, I had to correct the words in my mind, then I could think about what you were posting…. oh well, must be just me.

Weird: Letter Orders
Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen’t mttaer, the olny thnig thta’s iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry wrod is in the corerct ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed th…

Waht? Intreseitng…
Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen’t mttaer, the olny thnig thta’s iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry wrod is in the corerct ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed th…

waht the fcuk?
Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen’t mttaer, the olny thnig thta’s iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry wrod is in the corerct ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld…

Interesting Study
Aoccrnidg to an Elnisgh uniesvitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dnose’t metatr, the olny thnig thta’s iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry wrod is in the cerocrt ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is slitl albe to raed th…

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