I feel like that is the sound of time whipping past me. My to-do list keeps getting longer, and I seem to slowly be getting things marked off of it, but only slowly. *sigh*
My parents are staying at our house right now; construction is well under way at their house, they are now working on the district heating design, and while the painters are working there, we let them escape the craziness by coming over here, they just worry a lot, they made sure the painters had a fall arrest from https://mhipros.com to prevent them from falling, I guess it is also very nice of them to worry that much. I spent most of the afternoon there today, and my eyes are still burning from the paint fumes! So I’m glad we’re giving them a break from all of that. Let me tell you though – if you’re ever considering remodeling, don’t. Just stop. Sell the house and buy a new one. I swear, it would be so much easier! (I say that, and yet if I could live in some great craftsman style home and the price I had to pay was fixing it up, I would totally go for it. But that is different, somehow. I’m not sure how, but it is!)
So in the past week I’ve installed a new shopping cart over at the Fresh Photography site – you can see it by going to the “Client” area at the top of the page. I’ve edited and uploaded Leia & Jim’s wedding. I’ve edited and uploaded Idalis’s photos, my latest newborn shoot. I’m about to finish editing and uploading Alexis’s photos, my latest toddler session. Elaine & I went to shoot a bar last Wednesday for a local magazine – details on that to follow once the issue runs. I then did another shoot for them on Friday of the bartender of the month for the next issue.
All in all, life is fabulous – but so busy right now! I am not complaining at all – I just need to catch up and stop adding more to my to-do list than what I mark off of the list each day!
3 replies on “Whoosh!”
You seem like a nice person.
I’ve been admiring your great photos lately….however, I’m really missing you on the knitting front. 🙁 Pointy Sticks had been really quiet for months on end now….please come back. Knit your camera a cozy! The knitting world’s missing another geek!
Very nice B&W