In case you missed the clips of the stupid newscasters being tossed around in the winds of Isabel, here is a clip of NBC’s Brian Williams out in the storm. At about the 3 minute mark, you can hear him say, “I can just hear the people at home saying they got what they deserved” after he goes flying in the wind. Damn skippy right we are saying that – what the hell are you doing out there? [via J-Mo]
Stu’s comment on my earlier post is very true – you don’t see these guys swimming with the sharks or standing in the middle of the road during a high speed chase – why do they insist on tempting fate when it comes to severe weather conditions?
Meanwhile, today is Talk like a Pirate Day! Lets hope those newscasters don’t find themselves talking with the sharks soon, if you know what I mean! Argh!
11 replies on “Avast Ye Fools!”
i know it was wrong of me….but, i could NOT stop laughing at that clip yesterday. honestly, you’d think being from around here, i’d be used to watching reporters flail through the wind in a hurricane, but it was still like watching the finest slap stick comedy i’ve ever seen.
🙁 everytime I click on the link an image says Sorry, clip not provided. arrrrgghhhh
I loved it too! What an idiot – “I’m standing here between these buildings and the wind is channelling through.” No kidding – visit downtown Chicago someday and you’ll witness the same thing! But them flying like that was PRICELESS!
i totally agree. hurricane coverage is silly. and at times dangerous. but the (morbid?) curiosity factor among the general population is too high for them to not be out there. despite what we say about it — many people want to see the pictures of the rains and the winds and the flooding and the damage. unfortunately, the drenched reporter comes with the pictures — apparently someone has to tell us what we’re looking at. in many areas of the country, weather is the top reason people watch the news — and the tv stations are well aware of that fact.
Today is also POW/MIA Recognition Day.
Let’s see my first perfume was Le Jardins. I still love that perfume, but since moved on to anything Vanilla and now my signature scent since I was 18 Sung by Alfred Sung. I use the shower set Warm Vanilla Suge by BB&W. Nummy! I am on a major search for the Tinkerbell perfume for my lil girl for Christmas. I am guessing it’s discontinued bc I cannot find it anywhere.
P.S. They do still sell Love’s Baby Soft in Walgreens and Eckerds. At least in my areas. I think it smells lovely.
well duh! 😛
ok, I’m going in the other direction on this: That looks cool as hell. I love bad weather–the worse it is, the more fun it is. As for Chicago–it’s not really fun until the temprature drops to 0 andx then you have the hawk–the wind you’re referring to. Throw in a little snow or ice, and it’s perfect.
Today is talk like a pirate day! I thought it was yesterday and I was all sad that I forgot to actually do it. Oh good, I feel better, Arg. Matey.
Avast Ye
Aye; as it were the four seasons past, here this day once more be a day of Piratish Talk. Get yer land lubbin’ derry aire in gear and flap yer jaw in this vein. Ye already appear to list from a barrel o’ grog ya squiffy. Now if ya bilge rats can ma…
Sleep comes for you hardies who close their eyes
After tiring myself out with FOUR posts yesterday, I fell asleep around 10pm (unheard of in these here parts) and slept soundly until about 2am… from 2 to 6, my sleep was intermittant and full of outlandish and mostly unrememberable…
and I’ve never been to Boston in the fall!
Tis indeed Talk Like A Pirate Day… ya ‘ere me? so do it, or walk the plank!