Go & read this: CNET.com – “Digital Divas” take on MSN Great article. You know if the shoe was on the other foot MicroSoft would have a *huge* issue with this situation. As a business owner, situations like this really concern me.
Author: Christine
Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.
I have been blogged! I
I have been blogged! I have been blogged! =) I am soooo excited! Thanks Webmistress! But here is the bad news… I am moving again. Registered www.wellslapmesilly.com and the blog is moving again. That *will* be it’s final home. Watch for the details!
Had an interesting chat with
Had an interesting chat with Carol tonight. Somehow I always manage to lead our talks right through all of the taboo topics of conversation – you know, things like religion, sex & politics. It was while I was spewing about my dislike of George W. that she reminded me of this site. I am sorry, but I have a really hard time endorsing someone to lead our country who has so little belief and loyalty to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Simple. The founding principles of our country…
I never told my religion, nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another’s creed. I have judged of others’ religion by their lives, for it is from our lives, and not from our words, that our religion must be read. – Thomas Jefferson
I am moving… moving the
I am moving… moving the blog. Decided not to have my personal blog on my professional site. Ick. Many, many thanks to the webmistress for listening to my babble the other night as I tried to sort through which domain I wanted to use to host the blog. Yes, I am addicted to registering domains – ever since I found 000domains.com. No, I don’t own them. No, I don’t get any sort of kick-back if you use their services. I have used them though since February & have been very pleased with their service. After all was said & done on Friday night I registered shortstorylong.com – now if only the transfer would go through.
Bored? Want to read the original blog? The visit The Woman Within…. It won’t be there for long, at least not in the current form. I will probably leave the blog up, but it will be more of a vessel for providing links to web design related sites. Nothing fun, juicy, naughty or personal.
The new design will be coming soon – as soon as I figure out what I want it to look like. That could take a little while. For now I stole graphics from my Sudsalicious site. Need soap?
Mother of All Excuses…
Hey, need an excuse for something? Just can’t think of the perfect one? Then visit The Mother of All Excuses Place – I am sure they will have something for you. I had to add this link in honor of the people no longer in my life who tried to say I have an excuse for everything. I do not… I was only trying to explain… ok, I am going to stop while I am ahead. Off to work on adding other content to this site so you will have more to look at then just the Blog…