For most of my life, I have been in the process of learning to love myself – just as I am. Mass media works just as hard telling me that I’m not good enough. They. Are. Wrong! My epiphany was recognizing that I have awesome superpowers, even if I don’t fit the supermodel prototype. We all do. We are freakin’ FABULOUS just the way we are!
When I look in the mirror, I see reflected back a strong, incredible, gorgeous Hot Mama! No, I’m not perfect. After all, who is?!? I work everyday for improvements in my life and my health. That never includes living up to someone else’s version of the beauty “ideal.” My self-worth is now tied to the things that truly matter, and my life is so much happier as a result!
It wasn’t always like this for me though. I spent many years hating myself for who I was on the outside. I struggled to live up to the standards set by the media & society; miserable when the latest diet craze or the “how to drop 2 dress sizes in two weeks!” tricks in the magazines failed to live up to the hype. My whole self-worth seemed to be tied to a tape measure, a scale, and the size of my jeans. I’ll bet you’ve been there too.
No more! I’ve come to accept myself as I am. I’m a sassy, quirky woman who laughs too loud. I refuse to be locked in a cage, chained to those numbers. Do you also long to break free? Then, discover your Superpower, like I did. Learning this is contagious! Not only do I feel incredible, I am focused with everything I do on sharing this with other moms!
My Superpower: helping Hot Mamas grow their confidence by rediscovering their real beauty.
I don’t want you to have a supermodel experience. I want your experience to be one where every day you will see yourself truly as you are – BEAUTIFUL! I can’t wait to help you discover your own superpower!