Creative Geek

Technology Bites…

The Windows computers in our house are out to get me.

We bought new Macs back at Christmas, and two weeks ago our desktop computer decided to freak out in response. Yes, I am convinced that the computers know and are revolting because we have betrayed them. The main thing I used that computer as was a print server, and it couldn’t see the network – so I couldn’t print. Fortunately, thanks to the holidays, I didn’t have many meetings at the time so I didn’t need printed documents. However, I have a meeting tomorrow, a meeting on Monday, maybe another meeting this weekend, and you can see that I need to print. Mike determined the day that it stopped working that it was the video card, and he first tried using one that we had here to fix it. That didn’t work, so we went to Fry’s tonight and got a new card, and he put it in the machine. All is well again with Floyd as of this evening. (Yes, Mike has named the computers. Muppet names. All of them have Muppet related names. My old laptop was Cookie Monster. Teehee!)

Then last night I was exporting close to 300 photos from Lightroom on the old Dell laptop. Since it was processing so much, I decided to get to work on finally getting everything migrated to the Mac so that I could pass the Dell on to Jason. It wasn’t like I’m getting rid of it completely – and yet it still decided to quit on me too! 201 photos into the export, it just stopped. No more cursor for the mouse, no response to anything I tried. I couldn’t even do a ctrl-alt-del to turn it off. It was late, I was tired, and I finally just turned it off.

This morning, I needed to get the DVD of the photos burned, so I tried to turn it on so I could do that before I headed off to Twisted Yarns to knit.

It wouldn’t come on.

Press button, lights blink, and then they go off and the fan turns off and the machine is silent.

Press button again. Then decide to unplug all external drives in case that is the problem, and try again. Still nothing. Call Mike into the room to see if he has an idea – or to just point and gasp and point while flailing my arms at him, because I knew deep down he wasn’t going to be able to do anything. And I was right. He tried taking out the battery and powering it up with just the power cord, but that didn’t work either.

I finally just had to leave the house and retreat to knit. Two sticks and some wool, and I was much happier. Meanwhile, while I was gone, he was awesome as always and contacted Dell Tech Support. The laptop is just over a year old, and has 610 days left on its warranty. They poked and prodded at it, and in the end they determined that it was the motherboard that has gone bad. We had two options; Dell could send us a box and we could send them the laptop to fix, or they could send us a new motherboard and he could install it. We chose to have them send us the motherboard. Hopefully, that will do the trick and in a few days Jason will be up and running on the Dell.

I’m *so* glad that I was in the midst of moving to the new machine – I had everything that I needed already backed up to external drives. I might be missing some of my Lightroom presets, but if that is the worst of it I am pretty happy.

Meanwhile, this was the swift kick in the arse that I needed to get me to migrate FAST over to the Mac. Lightroom is now installed, and I should have Photoshop running by the end of the weekend. Since Floyd is back up, I can print for my meeting tomorrow. I want to do test prints before I print client orders, so I’ll send those off shortly.

I guess there is nothing like being thrown into the deep end to force you to learn something new!

Creative Geek Geek Love

A Study In Computer Users…

Now that Mike & I both have new computers, it is interesting to see how we use them from the ground up. The night we opened them, we spent the same amount of time on them – doing very different things. He went right into downloading things, getting it all set up just the way he wanted it. Me? I went right into a web browser, played on Flickr, sent some Twitter messages, and surfed the web.

On Christmas Eve, we took our computers over to my parent’s house, and after all the gifts were opened Jason spent time setting up his new iPod on iTunes, and I finally spent a little time tweaking the Mac. Mike showed me how to install things, and I added widgets to my dashboard.

Since that night, I have spent minimal amounts on the computer. Mike is on vacation this week, but I had a meeting yesterday, a meeting today, and have another meeting this weekend. Also, now that I have some energy back, I’m trying to catch up on housework. My computer time has amounted to minutes spent printing documents for the meetings; my email has gone mostly unread except for the business accounts. I haven’t even set up an email client on the new Mac; I’ve been using Gmail or my iPhone for all correspondence. Mike on the other hand has totally pimped out his machine, or is at least well on his way to doing so. He gets up in the morning and it is the first thing he does – spends time on the computer with his morning cup of coffee. (Served up this morning in the thermal coffee mug with the USB connection to keep it warm.) He has talked about getting Gmail IMAP’ed to the iPhone, and his online to-do list is now set to go there too, tied in to Gmail and Twitter. He has figured out how to take DVDs and get them on the iPhone. He has made everything sparkly and shiny. Me? Lucky I finally figured out how to change the wallpaper on the desktop.

I’m jealous. I want a pimped out Mac too. Although at least I’m not that far behind on the learning curve, and I’ve already done my first Mac OS upgrade!

But there are things to do around the house – we’re finally finishing the painting in the living room! – and this week, that is just more important for me. After the crazy rush of the holidays, I still need a break from the glow of the monitor. But someday, I will be upgrading. What should I put on it? The obvious items – PhotoShop and Lightroom – are a given. But what else? Have any recommendations of what you simply have to have on your Mac?

Creative Geek Geek Love

Bitter, Snarky Happy Mac Users…

The Rumor is TrueFor YEARS people have said to me, “So, you’re a photographer – so you use a Mac, right?”

Uhm, no? They make all the same software for a PC, and I that is what I’ve always used. I married a PC geek. We have lots of Windows machines in our house. More PC computers than people actually.

And to address the usual comments made:
— No, they do not always crash. I think the Dell Latititude has only crashed once on me. It had a lot of intensive programs open, and it was just too much. Plus, I hadn’t rebooted the machine in 2-3 days. So then it crashed. Pretty much my fault. Otherwise? No problems.

— No, if you have Windows, you don’t need a backup drive because the drive is guaranteed to fail. Mike’s desktop machine is over 5 years old, and has never had a hard drive failure. I’ve had one – on a free PC, no less – over 10 years ago. We do have backup external drives, but that is because I have to backup critical data like client’s photos.

— No, if you use Windows, you don’t always get viruses. You need to have good computer habits and if you have firewall protection as we do – our router blocks unsolicited incoming traffic – you shouldn’t have a problem. I haven’t run a virus software on the Dell in a 14 months, and it has never been a problem. (Shhh, don’t tell. I don’t highly recommend that.) I’ve only ever had one virus, actually – and it was because I downloaded and installed a free screen saver from an unknown source in 1997, and it was infected. I learned. The Mac commercials make me want to scream over this whole virus thing. Oh, and hackers are starting to target the Mac more.

BUT … with all that being said … we went yesterday and bought TWO Macs. I got the MacBookPro (I need the higher specs that it offers for photo editing) and Mike got the MacBook.

Why the switch? When I used to ask Mac owners why I needed to switch as a photographer, I would get responses like, “It is just better.” That doesn’t make me justify a computer purchase. However, it was finally explained to me that the Mac operating system handles memory paging better than Windows. So if you want to have 10 photos open in Photoshop, you can. The Photoshop actions that bog down CS2 there don’t do it on the Mac. I finally had a valid reason. I edit a LOT of photos, and I need the speed. My clients will thank me.

Mike went with a Mac for his FIRST laptop that he has owned himself – not counting all the work laptops he has had over the years – because he likes the eye candy factor of the operating system over Vista, he likes the form factor of the MacBook, and is willing to admit that he is not the hard-core l33t gamer that he was when I met him back in 2002 when he first purchased the (then) kick-ass Dell PC tower that we own. Also, Mac now runs linux underneath it all, something he is comfortable with, and if he wants, he can get software to allow you to run Windows inside the Mac. Matter of fact, the fastest Vista machine on the market? A Mac, according to PC World.

Mike probably would have inherited my old laptop, except Jason enjoys 3D modeling and other things such as that, and my Dell Latitude was pimped out when I purchased it a year ago, and has a lot more memory, a faster processor (Intel Core 2 Duo) and a Nvidia graphics card in it that will help make his computing experience better. Plus he is a gamer, so it will help with that too. We decided that it made more sense, since Mike is a lighter computer user now, mainly using a browser and email, to give Jason my PC and for Mike to get a new one. As soon as Jason found out I was getting a Mac, after asking for the 24″ iMac himself, he then started asking for my PC laptop.

We realized this morning that I am a bitter, snarky Mac users though thanks to the Mac commercials we’ve seen over the years, and the comments people have made. ANY time something happens that counters the commercials, we mock it.

“All you have to do is plug it in, and it just WORKS.” Uhm, no. Mine didn’t just work. I had to install 19 updates, and only had Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on the laptop when I fired it up, so now I get to do my first Mac upgrade all by myself to get OS X 10.5 Leopard on it. It didn’t just work.

“They never lock up or crash.” I was just using Safari last night, while my 19 upgrades happened in the background, and suddenly found myself watching the pretty spinning colorful wheel. Sure, it was pretty. Nice design, good eye-candy. I was pretty amused that within 2 hours, it had happened to me. Don’t tell me they never lock up. That is a little unrealistic.

“It is just so easy to use.” Again, no. While typing this post, I hit a key on the left by mistake, I have no idea which one, and BAM! My window was GONE! I had to hunt around the monitor to find it, only to discover it had rolled up to the top and was hiding up there. I got it back, but things like that are confusing if you have been using a PC for over 15 years. I know I’ll get more comfortable using it, but I’m *so* not there yet.

All in all, they are pretty and shiny and sparkly, and we’re happy. But I’m not ready yet to say it is sooooooo much better than a PC. Talk to me after I drink a bit more of the Kool-aid and I might change my mind. 😉

Creative Geek Knittastic!

Get Your Knit On!

I just have to share the love – great books at awesome prices!

Interweave Press announced today its annual, highly anticipated hurt book sale, beginning today at 10 a.m. MDT at More than 125 craft books will be deeply discounted and sold online only on a first-come basis until inventory runs out. This is a great time to pick up bargains on both hardbound and softbound books about beading, jewelry making, knitting, crocheting, felting, spinning, weaving, needlework, and other popular crafts.

Hurt books are still in good condition but imperfect in quality and have minor dings such as a scratch on the cover or a bent page.

The savings run deep and some books will be combined for greater discounts. For example, the knitting titles Scarf Style and Wrap Style from the popular Style series will be available at 50 percent off individually ($10.98 each) or for $15 plus shipping if ordered together—that’s over 65 percent off the retail price!

Check it out! There were some that have been on my “books I want” list for a long, long time (like Men in Knits and the Folk Shawls book), and some I hadn’t really checked out before. Definitely worth it – and lots of books are only $10 each!

Creative Geek

Informal Survey…

Surfing through a zillion photographer sites for inspiration, I need the opinions of others to find out what you like in a photographer’s website.

Do you like sites that have nothing more than a pretty pretty picture or Flash slideshow on the home page? Or do you prefer them to have tons of information there too?
Do you like a clean looking site with a simple site navigation with dropdowns? Or a sidebar that is minimalist but easy to find things?
All Flash sites? Or HTML with some Flash included for slideshows?
Music when viewing a photographer’s site? Or no music, ever, ever, ever?

If you need to look at some other photographer’s sites to see what I’m talking about, you can check out the zillions that I’ve bookmarked on

Basically, I want to make changes to the FreshPhotography site to better highlight the options to hire us for other work. We will still continue to sell prints there too, so the existing functionality needs to stay on the current images. There will still be a photoblog with the option to buy. There will also be information on portrait, wedding, and corporate photography. So a lot of things need to be there, and I want them to be well organized.

Now that my missing notebooks have returned from the depths of the underworld in my car, I have a feeling that site sketches are going to be under way soon!