Geek Love

I See You…

I see all these people floating through my personal blogosphere, but no one is stopping to say hi. Come on people, say something. Anything. I’d even take some troll comments right about now. Amuse me. Make me smile. Say something. Anything.

If nothing else, leave a comment so I can come and visit you! Lets blow the lid off of the comment count here! Come on, make me proud!

Would it help if I told you about the sandwich I’m going to eat for lunch?

I *really* need to add this ScriptyGoddess Plugin so you can leave your RSS feed address too. I don’t have time right now though and probably won’t for awhile, so feel free to toss it in your comments or make sure it’s easy to find on your site. Newsfeeds… YUM!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

132 replies on “I See You…”

okay, you’ll find this totally amusing… i avoided reading your blog after last thursday for, like, four days, because we had taped TAR, and i knew you’d do your regular update, and i didn’t want you to spoil it for me.

and what happened? YOU didn’t write your weekly wrap-up (or at least i couldn’t find it). what the hell? didn’t you watch it?

since i’m, what? 2 time zones ahead of you? how about tomorrow night, i’ll tape TAR, you can tivo it, and we can do an AIM chat friday evening? are you up for that?

Mmm, lunch…

If it makes you feel any better about your drive, my day began an hour and a half early with a phone call from our India development team. Nothing like going from 0 to 60 in no time to screw with your day.

You mean you don’t like it when we just lurk? LOL I know how it is not getting comments. I never get any on my blog anymore. I guess I need to be more interesting. 😀

And sorry…I don’t have an RSS feed on mine. I don’t really understand that stuff at all, so I don’t use it. Is that something that I should add? Would that make people comment in my blog? Hmmm… 🙂

Hey, I’ve already posted a comment this morning.

I’m bummed that you won’t be at the thing tonight. 🙁 Occasionally RL is actually better than online. But at least we’ll see each other on Saturday.

Hi there! I haven’t been getting any comments, either. 🙁 So please stop by sometime.

If nothing else, stop by to see my photo, because when yours popped up, I jumped a bit. You could be my younger, cuter sister. 🙂

so like. I’ve commented and I think you’ve kind of noticed because really. you responded to my comment where I referred to the only website I know that solely deals with sex toys that feature religious iconography.

But I’m saying Hi regardless. Because I’m terribly social and stuff.

Yes! Yes! I love it when complete strangers say hi! It’s even better when they keep coming back and saying more and more too!

Hi Everyone!!! Baked potato instead of a sandwich … and it was goooood!

I lurk mostly, sometimes comment when the subject or situation moves me. I haven’t gotten my RSS stuff together and I’m using a design that’s nearly a year old… I’m in a rut!

I watched TAR last week, but I was so tired, and just didn’t have the energy to blog it too. I think it’s still on the Tivo – maybe I should do a replay tonight to catch everyone up to speed?

I stumbled onto your fine pink cookies after walking out the door of my friend Michael’s

Come visit writerrific sometime. It’s so young it still smells like a new car.


Hey thanks for the useless information! 😉 I think the answer is: no new cool toys, just techie crap that I don’t understand. Now if you’re really headed this way, I will have to be planning an evening!

Today’s lunch: leftover BBQ chicken breast with herb rice and mixed veggies! Yum. On my second Diet Dr. Pepper for the day. Things are looking good. Just came in from reading a few pages in a book while sitting on a bench under a tree in the beautiful East Bay Area, California, sunshine.

hi Christine from 900+ miles away. (i’m in Chicago on business – and play – by the way)… are you going to the h-townblogs happy hour tonight? it’s the first i’ve missed in so long!!!

well i’ll tell you my horrible sandwich: turkey with mayo on a half-stale hard roll. it’s about as bland as my day has been.
maybe I’ll go hit up starbucks and see if the big pink cookies still exist.


Okay. I’m breaking out of “Lurk” mode.

Today’s lunch: hot ham and swiss sandwich with iced tea and salad. The sandwich was so awfully unhealthy but oh-so good.

Okay… now I’m going to resist the urge to return to lurking in the shadows. 🙂

Okay, I guess it is rude of me…reading your blog daily and keeping so quiet. So, I am taking this opportunity to say Hi, Hello, Howdy-doo. I hope you are having a fabulous day! 🙂

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In the News

I See You…

Oh my goodness. My head is just spinning with all of the stuff in the news lately. Citizen Corps with a slogan of “Learn more and join today!” Operation TIPS telling me that I should spy on my neighbors. “The program will involve the millions of American workers who, in the daily course of their work, are in a unique position to see potentially unusual or suspicious activity in public places.”

“These workers will use their common sense and knowledge of their work environment to identify suspicious or unusual activity.” Oh, yes, I see this plan working really well. Common sense? What might look suspicious to you might just be perfectly normal. Do you really want the government breathing down your back about everything you do? Isn’t this completely against the basic principles this country was founded on?

What is next? We’re going to start handing out armbands to those that we are suspicious of? We’re going to start to see the SS on every streetcorner? WHY do I get the feeling more and more every day that we are living in Nazi Germany back in 1938 or so? This is all so … wrong. Someone, please, make it stop.

Have I mentioned lately how much Duhbya gets on my nerves? Now he’s gone beyond that. Now he’s truly scaring me.

Go read what Jhames has to say about this. And thanks to Michele for directing me to his post with her SPORK award.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “I See You…”

it’s all scary and crazy, isn’t it? now the postman and the UPS guy are all unpaid amateur spies for the government.

i’m feeling more subversive every day now.

Well there’s a difference between suspicious like, paying to learn to fly but not land and suspicious like, not wanting to drink out of the communal water fountain or wearing a white turban after labor day. The kind of people that are going to report the wrong kind of thing already are. Those are the people that dial 9-1 and just wait anytime a black person walks down their street. Professionals should be able to tell the difference between paranoid, publicity seeking people like that and people like this. And hopefully they’ll be able to handle the “suspicious” people a lot better than local authorities seem to.

And, btw, call this my as requested snarky comment of the day, but there are lots of countries in the world right now where a comparison to Nazi Germany could be made without insulting the memory of that horrible time, the United States, not one of them. Sorry.

There are many people round the world, non-arabs and non-muslim who see America as just another loud-mouthed big bully pushing its weight around in the school-yard. Stuff like this just confirms their suspicions that the US is paranoid, delusional and, dangerous.

I didn’t mean that the US had reached the point of the full horrors of Nazi Germany – that’s why I picked a year that pointed to the earlier days of Nazi Germany, before they stripped citizens of all of their rights. Back in the days when you should be a good citizen and report on your bad neighbor.

Having lived in Germany, it fascinated me how a country could go to such extremes. Now that these things are occurring in our country, I can see how it all began. And it scares me. I’m afraid of what lies ahead.

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