Geek Love

I See You…

I see all these people floating through my personal blogosphere, but no one is stopping to say hi. Come on people, say something. Anything. I’d even take some troll comments right about now. Amuse me. Make me smile. Say something. Anything.

If nothing else, leave a comment so I can come and visit you! Lets blow the lid off of the comment count here! Come on, make me proud!

Would it help if I told you about the sandwich I’m going to eat for lunch?

I *really* need to add this ScriptyGoddess Plugin so you can leave your RSS feed address too. I don’t have time right now though and probably won’t for awhile, so feel free to toss it in your comments or make sure it’s easy to find on your site. Newsfeeds… YUM!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

132 replies on “I See You…”

Hi girlie! Just saying hi! I hope you are having a good week, it’s almost Friday! 🙂

Since I have your ear, please remove my old blog from your blogrolling. Thanks!!

At least you can get comments. For some reason people seem to be afraid to leave comments on my site. I know they visit, I see the stats… how on earth did you coerce people to leave comments? =)

OK – You already know that I lurk here like 2-3 times a day, so I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I didn’t give you a ringtone though b/c I didn’t want you think I was just being a link whore. 🙂

Anyway. I read ya, I love ya. I don’t always agree, but that’s the fun, isn’t it?! I’ll try to be a more frequent commenter. That can be my June 18th resolution – to comment more @ Christine’s place! 🙂

PS – I like the crumbs too. They’re yummy!

I just picked a popcorn hull out of my tooth and my husband just yelled, “F***”!”, at a video game. Oh, and I read your site reguarly and I enjoy it. I am sorry for not commenting earlier. Have a great night! Woo!

I come, I read, I comment, I wonder what that would be if translated into French 😀

If you ever remember where the place is here in Texas (like the one in San Francisco), please let me know…I’d love to just visit it in the meantime 🙂 (btw, I’m in the northeastern part of the state)…

I think dry humping is incredibly under-rated. I also think they should have had a sesame street character called Nasty Bird.

I hope I’ve done my part. 🙂

My local Starbucks does not have Big Pink Cookies… I am so ashamed. They don’t have pink ANYTHING. They do, however, have these little guys.

And, to make Christine laugh, my take on the picture:

Tina: it signifies my week
Tina: 😀
David : That signifies your week?
Tina: yeah
Tina: it’s been crazy 😐
Tina: it’s like
Tina: eyes wide in shock
Tina: hair like I stuck my finger in a socket
Tina: Jasmeet in the background like “I don’t know her….”


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In the News

I See You…

Oh my goodness. My head is just spinning with all of the stuff in the news lately. Citizen Corps with a slogan of “Learn more and join today!” Operation TIPS telling me that I should spy on my neighbors. “The program will involve the millions of American workers who, in the daily course of their work, are in a unique position to see potentially unusual or suspicious activity in public places.”

“These workers will use their common sense and knowledge of their work environment to identify suspicious or unusual activity.” Oh, yes, I see this plan working really well. Common sense? What might look suspicious to you might just be perfectly normal. Do you really want the government breathing down your back about everything you do? Isn’t this completely against the basic principles this country was founded on?

What is next? We’re going to start handing out armbands to those that we are suspicious of? We’re going to start to see the SS on every streetcorner? WHY do I get the feeling more and more every day that we are living in Nazi Germany back in 1938 or so? This is all so … wrong. Someone, please, make it stop.

Have I mentioned lately how much Duhbya gets on my nerves? Now he’s gone beyond that. Now he’s truly scaring me.

Go read what Jhames has to say about this. And thanks to Michele for directing me to his post with her SPORK award.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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