I’ve blogged here for over 11 years now, and I’ve finally given in — I can’t take moderating the spam any more. I finally, after all this time, activated the feature in WordPress to close comments on posts more than 30 days old.
This makes me a little sad for a strange reason. It means that the whole community that randomly formed around my “Itch Relief…” post back in 2004 can no longer add comments to the post. 1,336 comments, which is by far my most commented on post to date.
Damn spammers. Have to spoil all the fun.
One reply on “30 Days to Talk Back…”
I found that a side benefit to installing the Disqus plugin was…it fixed a lot of my spam problems. Akismet doesn’t generally have anything to pick up! Another perk I found with the plugin is that it allows folks to log in with their social network info so that they don’t have to fill in a lot of blanks 🙂
It makes things rather tidy, in my opinion 😀