Geek Love

Dear Blog, I Love You…

Tonight has not been my night. First, my laptop screen melted, for the second time this week. Ok, ok, it didn’t really melt – but it does this cool effect like it is melting. Both times, it has done this bizarre fade to gray thing – I actually took a photo of it. But my laptop is dead for now, so I can’t get the picture off of my camera, so you’ll just have to use your imagination to envision what it looks like. Or ask Mike about it – he’ll tell you just how freaky it is.

Both times this has happened, I’ve been in the midst of editing photos for Pixelog. This time, I at least got one done, so I’ll p0st it in a few minutes. Hopefully.

Because after all that happened and I spent a few hours beating my head on the laptop, I decided to move in to the study and use the “main computer”. The computer that holds all of my backups. *whew!* So, moving on … I try to log in here. But I can’t remember my password to get in to WordPress. Ok, no problem, I’ll send myself an e-mail to get a new password. Quick and easy, right?

No. Not so easy. I managed to lock myself out of my site for an hour or two. We could see that my password was not resetting in the database, or at least not resetting to what was e-mailed to me each time. I was completely locked out.

Talk about wanting to break down in tears.

I was very close to sending a plea for help to Matt, when I decided to check the WP support forums. It seems that my problem is actually a known and documented problem – I was getting e-mails that didn’t include a login name, just a password – and the password didn’t work. I found several posts outlining the problem and pieces of the solution – but I won’t bore you with those. Instead, I’ll send you off to read this thread, because it’s the one that saved my ass.

As you can see, I got back in. For the record, this was the first time I’ve ever gone in to PHPMyAdmin and edited data within fields of the data table. I was very nervous – but not only did I survive, but I discovered it was easy. Now I’m on an adreniline buzz, so thankful to be back on the inside.

Ah, BigPinkCookie … I just want to kiss you right now.

Tomorrow, it’s off to tackle getting myself set up in here. At least until the poor Latitude can get an attitude adjustment. Poor thing is over 3 years old and has been very well loved. (I wore the letters off the keys within the first year, if that is any sign.) I hope they can fix whatever is causing the problem. The perk of the extended 4 year warranty – it should be free to fix!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Dear Blog, I Love You…”

Congratulations on your first SQL update. You’ve just started down the slippery slope of techie-ness; it’s only a matter of time before you mutter about stack pointers and arp tables in your sleep…. 😉

Good on you for managing to get your password. That’s happened to me so many times and I’ve just wanted to throw my computer out the nearest window. I even had to reinstall WP and import entries by hand via the SQL interface.

But now you’ve gone into PHP my admin… you’ll find it way easier to go in next time. I find it easy enough to go in there as opposed to the wordpress interface for several things now.

it’s funny how you walk into someones blog, someone you have absolutely no idea how that person can be and you read a tiny part of their day. And suddenly you realise everyone has a story to tell, there just isn’t enough time to tell them all. By the way, i’m Ana, i live in São Paulo, Brazil.

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