My dear friend Sydney came back to Texas to marry Chris, and Elaine & I had the honor of photographing their wedding for them. It was an incredible, wonderful day. I gushed a lot more about it over on the wedding blog, but I couldn’t let it pass without posting here too.
I first met Syd right before SXSWi 2003. Well, to be accurate, we actually met on a street corner in Austin – she recognized me from this blog and stopped Mike & me as we walked to the convention center. I’ve always known she is an incredible woman – and when we met Chris last summer while on vacation in Seattle, I knew he was perfect for her. I know they will have a fabulous life together – and I’ll be reading all about it on her blog, Twitter, Flickr, and any where else that I can go to keep up with her adventures!

It was such an amazing day!