Geek Love

SXSW Session Notes…

Wish you had been at SXSW? Want a taste of what is discussed there? Wish you had taken notes at a panel, but you didn’t? Now you can have it all – a fabulous wiki full of SXSW Session Notes! Whee!

Kevin was one of many new people I met in Austin this year. Be sure to go and tell him “hi!” and remember, Buy Local.

Want a taste of 20×2 (one of the many evening events at SXSW)? You can check out one of the presentations by Michael Buffington or Nick Finck.


Booga Bag!

Whoo hoo! After a yarn shortage scare, where I had to take out a row just so I could bind off, I have gotten the Booga Bag off the needles! (Picture on Flickr, with a mini version over in the sidebar.) Now I just have to find a pillowcase with a zipper and I will be felting it tomorrow! Yeah!

I love the colors, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out when it is felted, but I can’t even begin to explain how glad I am that I am done with this bag. I’m not allergic to wool, but there is something about this yarn that triggers a bad allergic reaction in me. I suspect it is the dye or the finishing that they use when they make it, and no one else has complained of issues with it like I have. Hopefully when I felt the bag, it will pull out the dyes that are bothering me.

I have the yarn to start knitting my Sophie bag (a dark, rich purple), but I think I’m going to work on my Clapotis first. The only other project still on needles is the “Jay Allen scarf,” named after Jay since I only worked on it in panels that he was on at SXSW. (I learned I’m a much better listener with the laptop closed and knitting needles in my hands.) I’m over halfway done with it, so it shouldn’t take too long to finish it up. I can work on the Clapotis at the same time. New projects – wheee!

Media Consumption

Ripping NPR to MP3 for an iPod…

I’m mainly posting this so I remember to show it to Mike, but in case anyone else needs it, here is how to Rip NPR to MP3 for an iPod.

Media Consumption

Craft Corner DEATHMATCH!

My latest addition to the TiVo season pass lineup? Craft Corner DEATHMATCH! How perfect is that title? Sure, we all thought that “Wickedly Perfect” was a good title, but Craft Corner DEATHMATCH is so fabulous! Oh my. I can’t wait to actually see the show. Here is a brief description:

It’s Martha Stewart Living meets Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome when amateur crafters compete against each other, against the clock–and against the imposing Craft Lady of Steel. Armed with nothing more than hot-glue guns and a few basic materials, the contestants must swiftly assemble projects that are judged on beauty, creativity and utility.

How can you go wrong with any show that has Deathmatch in the title? I mean, really? Is it Wednesday yet? Because I can’t wait!

(In case you were wondering, we can blame me watching this show on Erin.)


Paris in Spring!

Back in February, I attended the Stampin’ Up! regional convention in San Antonio. I made cards for the card swap, and I submitted one to Stampin’ Up! for their review. Today I found out that it is featured in the Demonstrator’s Stamper’s Showcase! Whoo hoo! They only select a few cards, and they seem to have rather strict guidelines. I’m so excited that mine was picked!

Paris in the Spring