Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to my Favorite Fish!

It’s Kymberlie’s 30th Birthday! Whoo hoo! Happy Birthday, Kymberlie! 30s are the new 20s! You will love them!

Happy Birthday to Wendy, too!


Yarn, Yarn, Yarn!

While at a technology related conference like SXSW, it is really exciting to find another knitter. While waiting for the Accessibility shoot-out to begin, I turned around and spotted a lady wearing a Clapotis scarf, and I almost screamed. I immediately pointed out to Matt, “See! Another knitter! We are everywhere!” because I had pointed out earlier that there are a lot of knitters online. A whole target market that people are really missing. So it was a thrill to meet Julie of Yarnmaven, and to admire her absolutely gorgeous scarf. I’m definitely going to have to get some of that yarn – it is beautiful!

Geek Love Know the Code

Read This Book…

Since arriving at SXSW, I’ve been thinking a lot about that night that I told Tantek that CSS makes my eyes bleed. I’ll admit it, I’ve only been lightly reading the CSS book I got over a year ago. Why? It still wasn’t clicking for me. I just didn’t get it. At all.

Two weeks ago I had my, “Ah ha! I get it!” moment where I could understand how the CSS on a site was working to format the table-free layout. But I only got how it was working, not why it was working that way. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people that needs to know why in addition to how.

Of course there is lot of talk at SXSWi about CSS, semantics, how to code great pages, how to trick out your blog, and so on. There is also a Borders bookstore here featuring the books of the authors that are presenting on the panels. Today while killing time, I stopped in there and browsed the books. As my work is changing, I need to build up my skill set in this area.

One of the books that I picked up was Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook. In just reading a few pages, I realized it was the book I’ve been missing all along. It not only covers how to do things, more importantly it covers WHY. Why using is better than using Why you should lay CSS out a certain way. Why, why, why.

I approached Dan Cederholm in the hallway to thank him. (Well, that and to sign my book, of course.) Finally, a book that made it all clear. If you are like me, and you want to improve your web skills, I highly recommend this book. I am excited about building a better web.

Geek Love


No time for podcasts? How about a spotcast instead? You can read some of the first ones at EchoRadio.


SXSW, Round 3…

I was originally planning on attending SXSW this year. Then, as life went on, it didn’t seem like it would be in the plans for me. TechMoxie is newly launched, so I had work to do. Mike couldn’t attend because of the trip to Holland and the resulting work projects. The decision didn’t sit well with me though.

After talking with people throughout the week that were planning on attending, I changed my mind. (Me? Change my mind about something? Now there’s a shock.) Thursday night I sent out some e-mails, and Friday I lined things up with Min Jung to stay with her at the “Hacker’s House for Wayward Girls” (Tara’s apartment). Friday night, I headed west for Austin. I broke bread with Brad, which was wonderful. It is so great to have a chance to see everyone.

Today, I’ve attended Kick and cheered for the guy with the fabulous silver tennis shoes. I had lunch at Iron Works with Katie and Tara. I registered for SXSW, attended the keynote address with Jeffrey Zeldman, and I now have a signed copy of his book – completing my signed book collection. I’m now attending a panel on how to bluff your way through CSS. I need to remember to visit CSS Zen Garden, along with Stylegala, Web Standards Awards, and CSS Vault more often. (That’s a note to myself since I’m writing this while in the panel.)

SXSW is full of quips and quotes that make the whole thing memorable. I’ve learned now that if a complete stranger tells you on the street that you are beautiful, you had better say thank you before he starts shouting at you, “SAY THANK YOU!” Always remember that…