
After the Storm…

I still remember all too vividly the crazy experience of it taking us 15 hours to drive the normally 2 hour drive from our old house to Austin during the Hurricane Rita evacuation. Then there was the 2 weeks without power and all of the other drama from Hurricane Ike hitting Houston. Watching all of the news coming out of the east coast these days about Sandy and the devastation left behind has brought back so many memories.

Moving into our new home was a wonderful experience for us, that way we got to create new memories in a new place. Of course things didn’t start off great right away, we had a few struggles here and there, especially with our plumbing, I was starting to think that the man from Plumbers4real was living in our home since I had to call him over for a different thing ever time. Eventually we got all settled in and things started to go out way.

The fascinating thing to witness after a storm is the acts of kindness that follow, our home HVAC system was broken and we needed a new one so I contacted You may have noticed the ChipIn buttons on my sidebar? My friend Nicole is doing all that she can to help the people in New Jersey warm as winter weather rolls through and the people are still without power. She is gathering up gas cans filled with gas and generators and taking them to the people. Just people helping people. No bureaucracy, no red tape. Just taking what is needed straight to the source. If you can help, please do.

My friend Jane Ammon & her husband Erik took donations, loaded up a rental truck (not the small minivan they thought they would be driving) and took things from cut my plastic and directly to a shelter to help people out. Erik wrote about it on his blog. I’m still so amazed at what they were able to pull off to help these people – simply incredible!

Just people, doing what they can to help other people. It is amazing, and so beautiful to watch.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.