Harry Potter was great. Even without having read the books, I didn’t feel lost at all about the story line – although I am sure that reading the books now will be even more “enhanced” as I can visualize certain scenes. The effects were great, unlike Meryl – my theater wasn’t too loud, it was sold out but the kids were older so it wasn’t too bad. (I can’t stand it when there are 3-4 year old kids running back & forth, up & down the stairs at the movie!) Jason really loved it too – and I am really glad I could be there to see it with him for the first time. It was truly a good movie, I would even see it again!
Want to know what a dork I am? I got all misty-eyed at the end of the movie – three different times! Yep, that’s when you know the movie’s good.
2 replies on “All About Harry…”
christine, i got teary-eyed, too! don’t feel bad. i think its the sign of a truly good story that definitely sucked me in 😉
I got misty-eyed, too… but had to try hard to fight back the tears because I went with my co-workers… not exactly my buddies! So despite the loudness and headache, it touched me.