Borrowed from Nicole:
A – Age: 32
B – Best Friend: Cheesey Chelsey (also referred to as Purina, Crayola, Muffin Chop, and my Evil Twin)
C – Choice of Meat: Beef
D – Dream Date: Uh, what’s a date?
E – Exciting Adventure: Every minute spent in Europe.
F – Favorite Food: A good steak & potatoes. Gold Medal Ribbon Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins (or Bastard Robbins if you are talking to Naomi.)
G – Greatest Accomplishment: Hmmmm… Has that already passed me by? I don’t know…
H – Happiest Day of Your Life: I have had many happy moments, but it would be impossible to pick a happiest day. If I had to choose one it would be April 21, 1992 – when Jason was born.
I – Interests: “Television, internet, the lives of others.” (Those were Nicole’s answers, but I like them.) Add to that movies, reading and cross-stitching.
J – Joke: They are all over at Well, Slap Me Silly!.
K – Kool-Aid: Sugar-Free Lemonaide or Sugar-Free Cherry
L – Love: Me. (Well, that’s what the Insignificant Other said – that the only person I care about is me!) Jason. My friends. My family.
M – Most Valued possesion: Photographs of places I have been and people I have seen.
N – Name: Christine.
O – Outfit You Love: squishy plaid flannel pajama pants and my purple “Hofbrauhaus Munchen” sweatshirt from Munich, Germany.
P – Pizza Toppings: Pepperoni, Hamburger, Canadian Bacon and Extra Cheese.
Q – Question Asked To You the Most: “Are you related to Tom?” (Look at the bottom of the page. Yeah. No, I am not. Well, I am, but so distantly he doesn’t know who I am…) closely followed by “What are you thinking?” or “What’s wrong?”
R – Radio Station: 93Q, 104 KRBE, and I have to start listening now to 106.9 because PromoGuy told me to.
T – Television Show: Uhm, which night of the week?
U – Umbrella in the rain?: Required here in Houston where it rains so hard it could hurt you!
V – Video: Do they still make videos? “Centerfold” by the J. Geils Band. Early Madonna videos.
W – Winter: Miss it. We don’t have those in Houston.
X – X-rays recently?: Dental.
Y – Year Born: 1969
Z – Zodiac Sign: Libra. VERY Libra.