In keeping with Blurker Amnesty Week, today I would like to focus on those of you using RSS Readers to view this site. Consider it a sort of poll if you will, you would really make me happy if you would take a minute or two and actually visit the site to comment on this post. I’m curious to see how many people read it via a feed reader instead of hitting the actual site.
Ready… set… GO! Blurker amnesty – it’s safe to comment. Come on in, the water’s fine…
37 replies on “Attention: RSS READERS”
I read via aggregator, but I comment occasionally anyway. 🙂
RSS rules. If a site doesn’t have RSS I go there maybe once a week if I remember.
I read via a feed, but I usually click on through to the site.
I read via an aggregator because I read from work and need to save time. I will click through to sites occcasionally, though.
yups, lurker delurking
I am one of the RSS readers — great site! keep up the funny posts 🙂
Depending on where I’m reading from I’ll often bring up the actual site. And if I have something worth saying I’ll definitely contribute it. : )
I do a bit of both, really … mainly reading through your feed except for long entries and when I feel like commenting on something. 😉
I read through Bloglines and comment when I see an entry that moves me to comment. 🙂
OK fine, here I am.
I read through bloglines too, but I still comment occasionally.
I read via Bloglines, and visit to see anything that doesn’t come thru, usually graphics, and if I want to leave a comment. Like now. 🙂
AHA! No, I don’t read via Feed anything (although I never forget to Feed myself) BUT this just reminded me to ask you something. A while ago someone sent me a comment saying that she’d read my site more often if I made my posts in full (and not just excerpts of it) available in feed. She said that I should ask Someone Who Knows (that would be you), adding that it’s just a small adjustment I need to make or something. And of course, I’m utterly CLUELESS.
I used to hit your site directly, but now that I use Bloglines, I pretty much only hit in order to comment periodically.
I’m still around. I use Bloglines these days to keep up with everyone though. 🙂
I use Sage in the morning and try to follow the feeds through, but I rarely comment. Darn feeds.
I generally read via Bloglines, but I come over to comment and other stuff regularly.
Yep, another Bloglines user here… 🙂
I read through bloglines. Love your site.
I am a newish Bloglines convert. I definitely visit to comment and when the mood takes me to see if I’ve missed anything 🙂
Bloglines reader here.
I read via bloglines. every day 😉
I read you through bloglines. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my RSS feed.
Oh I use a RSS reader, Firefox’s Live Bookmards actually. 🙂 It was easier this way so I can keep up with your daily posts. Super easy if you ask me.
another reader via bloglines.
Via bloglines too! 😉
I use PulpFiction on my Mac, but I click through. Mostly because I know you and you’re pretty. 🙂 Wow. That sounded like I just signed your yearbook.
Hello through Bloglines!
I’m a guilty bloglines convert… *waves*
yes i read via if you must know. but i dont mind giving up that kind of information.
i don’t know what any of those things are. i found your site thoguh someone who had you on their sites to read every day and just book marked it a year ago. 🙂
I read you on bloglines, I think photomatt linked you and I thought you would have some interesting posts on wordpress seeing as how you named it and stuff.
I read via the FireFox extension Sage – love it.
I’ve been really sporadic on both my blogging and blog-reading, but I do enjoy reading yours, and have brought up information you’ve shared in my real life conversations as if you are an old friend.
I read via my lj friends list 🙂 gotcha feed there 🙂
I read using Bloglines and if something looks interesting, I will open the post in whatever browser I am using at that time.
RSS. I usually use Newzcrawler or Bloglines.
I use BlogExpress. Saves time. Would visit yours anyway — one of my favorites.
You can tell how far I am behind on reading my RSS feeds…
I only read blogs that provideRSS feeds, if you don’t got one, I don’t read you