WHEEEEE!!! Notice anything different? I’ve been Moxie-fied! This has been in the works, but we weren’t ready to launch it, which is why the snow angel stayed in place as long as it did. Isn’t it ADORABLE? Christina is absolutely fabulous to work with – mad props to her! She’s my hero. Seriously.
Plus you have GOT to love a girl that offers up some high quality Andy Gibb mp3s. Mmmmm… Andy Gibb. Wasn’t he delicious?
Ok, focusing back on the design thing … skins are coming back! And I’ll work on converting some of the old favorites to WP skins and making them live again. Let me know if you have any requests – Venice, Dark Gray, whatever.
Mmmmm… it’s so PINK!
27 replies on “Big Pink Cookie… in Paris”
The place looks good!
“big pink skin” doesn’t seem to load
Oooh, I love the new skin. Love your site, too.
I love it!
Looks very nice.
I love it! Very girlie!
Very, very cute skin — two thumbs up! 🙂
It looks REALLY cute! I’ve been wanting to get Moxiefied for awhile, this looks so good I want to do it.
I love it! Hooray for you! 🙂
Awww adorable!
I love it, makes me wanna be moxie-fied! Someday, maybe. 🙂
Alright. I’m envious! Hook me up with however it is I need help.
This looks fantastic!
It looks great!
FINALLY, it’s complete! It looks positively girly! I love it!
I know! I know! I am so excited! I love it! It is fabulous, Christina is my hero, and she was woooooonderful!
Oooh, tres chic! Pink is always good! 🙂
I need to save up my money.
It’s so cute and very pink, I love it! She did a grand job!
It looks great! I so am going to get a skin from them some day.
This is goregoues. I’m so jealous. I think I should hire Christina.
Very cute! The Pink is so Pretty!
I love the new design! Heh, funny, but I hated pink until I got pregnant. Must have been all the extra girly hormones. 😀
Very cute!!
I almost got Zootified, but alas, Blogger wasn’t cooperating. I’m trying to figure out how to switch to MT so I can have a pretty skin too.
ooooh, I love it! This is really great, she did an amazing job 🙂 woo!
Now I’m finally gonna have to stick with your default instead of searching for *my* pink version on your skins :giggle:
Oooo I Love!
I love the new look!