I just wanted to take a moment to wish Sandy a very happy birthday! Hope it’s the wonderful day that all birthdays should be!
Birthday Wishes!
Happy Birthday to Meryl! I hope you have a wonderful year! It has been such a joy becoming friends online, I hope we are able to get together in person soon! Hope you have a FANTASTIC day!
2 replies on “Birthday Wishes!”
Mucho thanks, Christine! Especially for the lovely emails unexpectedly waiting for me first thing this morning (at 7am on a Sunday). Hope ya got some sleep!!!
Seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so glad I can call you a friend in such a short time.
dear friend your the coolest
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Birthday Wishes!
Happy birthday wishes to Kahea! I think she has to be one of the luckiest girls in the world to have Sherry for a mom! Best wishes to the whole family on this special day. Wow, her last birthday as an only child! (I bet she couldn’t ask for a better gift then a sweet baby!)
One reply on “Birthday Wishes!”
Thank you, Christine! I think she is pretty lucky to have me as her Mommy — hehe. We had a wonderful day full of friends, bowling, party, gifts, laughter … and now, exhaustion! Again, thank you for the birthday wishes. 🙂
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Birthday Wishes
Even though I am sure she has never visited my site, I thought it was only the right thing to do by starting this post off by wishing my Mom a Happy Birthday!
I just got home after having dinner with her, my Dad and Jason at Fuddrucker’s. (Not sure why, but Jason got to pick where we went!) Then we went back to their house for cake & ice cream. I’m still full from dinner, so none for me! Afterwards we visited for awhile. After I arrived home I remembered I needed to reset the DNS entries on the computer – and sure enough that did the trick and I am back online! Yeah, BABY! Whoo hoo! Now maybe I can catch up on all the reading I missed this week!
FYI … in case anyone wonders why I could get on IM but not the Internet – IM is served up via IP addresses. Not DNS. So when my DNS settings were off (pointing at the company’s old DNS server info), I couldn’t “see” anything that required a DNS entry. Had I tried to hit this site by IP address instead, I would have seen it. That is the end of today’s lesson…
5 replies on “Birthday Wishes”
Thank you for your kind words 🙂
Happy Birthday to your mom…
Happy Belated Birthday Christine’s Mom! Thank you for bringing such a wonderful person into this world and into our lives! I bet your very proud of your daughter Christine… I know we are!
what dns server(s) are you using now?
I’m not. Oh, sure, my ISP is somewhere along the line. This post was written 12/14/2001 though – almost 2 years ago – so things have changed. Plus it was a fast work issue.
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Birthday Wishes!!!
Happy Birthday Lee! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Birthday Wishes!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sara!!! Here’s to many happy days ahead!
One reply on “Birthday Wishes!!!”
Thank you, Christine!!!!!!! 🙂
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One reply on “Birthday Wishes!”
After I got over the snit I was in for turning 40 I’m doing great. Thanks for the wishes!