I woke up this morning exhausted. I tried to push through, but the need for sleep was overwhelming and eventually I went back to bed. When I woke back up (after more weird dreams), I realized just how hot I was. Out came the thermometer to confirm what I already knew – I was running a fever.
The podcast that was going to be recorded today is now going to be recorded tomorrow. Which sucks in a way, because I really want to get it on a regular schedule.
Right now, Mike is on a phone call in the study. On the “corded” phone. I want to call my Mom. I was going to go and get the cordless phone to call her. You know, because Mike is on the other phone. Doh! I’m blaming it all on the fever.
I think it is time for me to take some more Tylenol and go back to bed.
4 replies on “Blame it on the Fever…”
Hope you feel much, much better tomorrow!
I hope you feel better soon, too! I can’t manage to keep up with my podcasts to save my life, but I’ve finished your two recent ones, and I’m looking forward to the next. 🙂 Rest lots and lots and take care!
NOOOO! You can’t be sick. Was it all the stuff we did on Saturday? I’m sorry. I felt pretty warn out myself, but I don’t have a fever. Feel better!
Get well soon!