Happy happy, joy joy … we have a wonderful, working Helpdesk for Blogomania clients now! YEAH! A huge thanks to Jennifer for getting it set up! Part of the reason why I wanted to get it up and running? Because Kristine is helping with support requests now during the hours I am away! Yes, I do actually leave the computer for a few hours every once in awhile…
Speaking of leaving the computer, I was making soap earlier and I realized something … I am very OCD about how my soap loaves come out. I patiently make everything by hand, so when I am placing the “chunks” in a loaf of soap I get picky about where the cubes fall. You can’t have a bunch of purple cubes all bunched up together, you know! Oh my. I think Elizabeth might be the only person that will truly understand this compulsive issue.
As for soap colors – Mike arrived on Friday before Jason’s pagent as I was wrapping up a batch of snowflakes. I don’t just use one shade of blue color. Oh no – there is the dark blue with the mica in it, and then there is 2-3 drops of the other blue along with 2 drops of red. To get it to the “just right” shade of blue. I can’t have it any other way.
I have more fragrances around here then I have soap designs. How did that happen? A secret on how I come up with the soap designs … I smell a fragrance, and then I think about what colors come to mind. From there, I look for inspiration on what the scent represents to determine how to make the soap design. Unfortunately, there are only so many “looks” that I can make, so I am afraid that after awhile they all start to look the same!
Speaking of Mike, Jason & I went to “Lights in the Heights” to see him perform (with the Lager Rhythms) and then we went to the Christmas party at Charles and Tiffany’s house. They have a gorgeous house and it was the perfect setting and a nice end to the evening (even with my horrid migraine). Lights in the Heights was so beautiful – I can’t believe I’ve been missing it all these years! The Lager Rhythms were great as usual – I love watching them perform. Now I’m feeling all festive and so I was in a panic earlier when I realized all the stuff I need to finish between now and Christmas – and I’m starting a 5-day temp assignment tomorrow. Speaking of which – I’ve got a ton of stuff to do – so after I finish writing out my list I’m off to do more!
:: Fix printer.
:: Recreate labels or find the file.
:: Print labels.
:: Pack & label the most recent orders to ship.
:: Ship boxes.
:: Finish getting Christmas addresses. Hijack a copy of Mom’s list.
:: Finish Christmas cards.
:: Arrow of Light – 4:45pm tonight.
:: Finish decorating the tree. Enough of the “simple” tree look.
:: Get Dad’s Christmas gift.
:: Return extra labels to Office Depot.
:: Return stuff to Wal-Mart.
:: Breath. Relax. Enjoy the moment – it’s the Holidays after all!
8 replies on “Blogomania & Babbling…”
Tree. Damn. I knew there was something I forgot to get this weekend. 🙂
I love hearing about your soaps 🙂 Its so much fun to hear how inspired you are! (you rock 😉 )
I’m pretty compulsive about how my soap comes out as well……when I can make some. If I don’t like it, I remelt it and start anew.
Just out of curiosity, are you making actual cld process soap with lye and stuff, or just melt and pour?
Just out of curiosity, are you making actual cold process soap with lye and stuff, or just melt and pour?
yes, dear. I can relate with being OCD. lol just tonight I was overly concerned about placement of wax cranberries (woe is me). That and with the blue? I’m the same way with blueberry candles, they can’t be JUST blue, a hint of red to purple things up a little. Your soaps look great! I can’t wait to try them out.
I can make both cold process (working with lye, etc.) soap and melt & pour. Today was all melt & pour soaps – but the name is sort of misleading because I never ever just melt it and pour it! Oh no … I have to color, cut, color, cut … get it just right … oh my, and I wonder why I have a headache?
Your blog always makes me feel happy.